Chapter 2

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Here is chapter 2...or part 2...wahtever. :)


Yes, the beautiful Princess Snow of New York was homosexual. Her parents were totally cool. They always encouraged her to be herself, and to not care what people thought of her. But when her mother died, her father, driven by grief, remarried. He married a lady named Millie. She was a nice woman, except that she was a total homophobe. When she learned that Snow was lesbian, she thew a fit. And from that day forward, she hated Snow. Millie made Snow do all the housework, even though Snow was lousy at it.

One day, when Snow's father was away on a trip, Snow heard of her step-mothers plans to send Snow way to boarding school. Snow was heartbroken, and she ran off. Millie sent a friend of hers after Snow, to kill her, and bring back Snow's heart. But when the assasin reached Snow, he was so overcome by her beauty, that her tried to make a deal with her. He said, if she would go out with him, he wouldn't kill her. Snow, being the lovely girl she was, declined, and stole his knife, and plunged it into him. Snow then cut his heart out of hhis body(dumping the body in a nearby ditch), and proceded to send the heart in a package back to her step-mother, with a note saying:

“You cant catch me that easially, bitch!”

Needless to say, Millie was furiuos. She ranted for days, trying to find a way to get rid of Snow. And then it came to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2013 ⏰

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