FIRST is for Discovery: Rahul Ravi - Section 6

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And that brings me to the conclusion of my section of the book. I hope you learned numerous lessons that you can apply to your journey in FTC, many of which I wish I had when I started participating. If you ask anyone, based on what they have read, they'll say it was a fairly tragic ending. But the journey hasn't ended yet. Only 4 years of it are over. The fifth has just begun.

Rover Ruckus. Sky Stone. Ultimate Goal. Freight Frenzy. Power Play.

In my fifth year in FTC, I am excited to take on this new role as both a mentor and a coach and can't wait to participate in this robotics challenge from an entirely different perspective. While the hands-on role I have with the robot will be significantly lower, I believe I can excel at a supervising role. And Ink & Metal will make it to Houston again, and although I will not be a high school team member, I will happily join this team that has my heart in their journey to Worlds as a mentor.

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