~12~ "Drunk"-Smut+small angst♡

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New writing style! I hope this turns out well lol, also found out it's not 'your' but it's 'you're'😭 Sorry I made that mistake! I'll be changing that, anyways enjoy<3

Noah POV:
I had been asking Michael all day if I could go to a party that was happening at one of my friends house later. But of course, he said no every time. I wasn't going to be there for a long time anyway, it was just going to be a few hours.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Michael cleaning the dishes. "Darling can I plea-" "No." "But why?!" I whined. I knew I was sounding childish, but I hadn't been to a party in such a long time. I wanted to know what it felt like again. "I don't want you getting hurt, Noah. Also, I don't want you to make a... mistake that you are going to regret." I knew what he meant by that.

About 3 months ago, one of our friends, Kasie, was at a party and she got drunk. She had apparently started flirting with a guy, and then had sex with him. But, the thing was that she had a husband. So she got pregnant and then they divorced. Of course I definitely didn't want to end up like that either.

"Yeah but I promise I won't do anything!" I tried explaining that I wouldn't get drunk or do anything stupid at the party, but he still said no. "No Noah, you aren't going to the party."

I sighed and just gave up. I wasn't going to convince him either way. I walked out of the kitchen and went to our room. I sat on the bed and then just opened and scrolled through my phone.

About an hour later...

I got bored of being on my phone and got up to look for Michael. I went through the kitchen but he wasn't there. I went to the living room, where I saw him sleeping peacefully on the couch. I smiled and admired him from a distance.

But then I thought, what if I went to the party while he was asleep. I looked at the front door then back at him. "Sorry Mikey." I laughed quietly. I went to our room and got changed into clean jeans and a button up shirt.

It was about 7PM, the party was going to start in a few hours. It would take me about an hour to get there, so I guess I had extra time. But I just decided to leave now then later.

I grabbed my keys, wallet and phone and opened the front door. I was about to step out when I looked back at Michael. He was still sleeping peacefully but with a small frown. I quickly stepped back and went to our room to get a blanket.

I found one on our bed that was big enough for both of us, but it was just for him. I grabbed it and went back to him. I put the blanket on top of him and saw him get comfortable. I smiled and kissed his head.

I got up and went outside. I closed and locked the front door, then went to my car and drove to the party. I hope Michael wouldn't be too mad when I got back.


Michael POV:
I woke up on the couch with a blanket on me. Huh, I don't remember putting a blanket on me before falling asleep. Noah must've put it on. I smiled unwrapped myself in the blanket. "Where is Noah anyways?" I stood up and went to look for Noah. I'm glad he finally gave up and didn't ask to go to the party anymore.

I looked all over for him, but he wasn't in the house. I tried calling him but he didn't pick up. I swear to god if he went to that party. I called him again, but it went to voicemail after it ringed a couple times. I just decided to leave him a voicemail. "Noah you better not have gone to that party, otherwise when you get back I swear to god I'm going to go off on you. Pick up the damn phone."

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