~19~ "Meeting"-Smut♡

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Michael POV:
Noah was currently in a meeting on a computer in his office. I was so bored though, there was literally nothing to do here. I sighed and flopped down on the couch. I faced the television and just tried to watch anything that would cure my boredom.

I put a show and just decided to watch it in the meanwhile. I was about 7 minutes into it, when suddenly I got an idea. I smiled and turned off the show. I got off the couch and walked to Noah's office.

I slowly turned the knob and opened the door, to reveal Noah sitting on his chair and focusing on his computer. The door made a noise, and he looked up. "Do you need something love?" He asked.

I supposed his microphone was off, since he wasn't using looks or signs with his hands like he did when he was talking. "Yeah.. I do." He lifted an eyebrow and sat up a bit straighter. "Alright, what is it?" "Well.. can you turn your camera off first?" I asked with a small laugh. "Uh, sure."

He excused himself in the meeting and I heard his boss's voice telling him he could. He clicked his keypad then turned his attention to me. "So what did you need Mikey?" I walked over to him and carefully sat in his lap. He held me in his grasp and he blushed. "I want you.. I'm so bored~ I was hoping we could do something."

He looked back at his computer then back at me. "Mikey, darling i'm in a meeting. Maybe after?" I frowned and traced my finger in his shirt, where his chest was. "Awh.. not even a little bit?" I giggled as I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned closer to him. Blush covered his face, but then turned into a small smirk.

"You'll regret acting like that in a few minutes." He chuckled. I blushed as he taped his keypad again, unmuting his microphone and saying "Hey boss, i'm sorry but I have to leave at the moment. I have.. an important issue to deal with."

He smirked, not breaking eye contact with me while he was speaking. "Ah, of course Noah. I'll send you the rest of the details we were talking about in an email later." I head his boss say. "Thank you." Noah spoke.

He then clicked his keypad again, and I saw the faces of his coworkers disappear in the computer. He smiled at me and lifted me up, leading me out of the room. I gasped and held onto him as he carried me out of the room. I had left the door to our room slightly open, in case something like this would happen.

So he carried me up the stairs and open the door more with his foot, then closed it. He then threw me onto the bed, making me bounce once or twice as I landed. He then unbuttoned about 2 buttons on his shirt before crawling on top of me. "I suppose you know you're in trouble, right~?"

He asked me in a seductive voice. I blushed and slightly turned my head, nodding. He pulled my face to look at him again with his finger. "Don't look away from me when you speak. Now say it again?"

I loved his dominant tone when we were about to do these kinds of things, it was so hot. I looked up at him and nodded as he had asked me to. He then smiled and kissed my lips.

I got a small shock but kissed back, putting my hands on his face. He pulled away a couple of seconds later, then licked his lips, still looking down at me and smirking. "This is going to be a long night for you darling." I blushed.

Noah POV:
Mike was laying under me, blushing at the sentences I was telling him. I chuckled and went down to his neck. I bit down and he gasped, moaning a bit quietly. There were faint, but I could see the hickeys on his neck that I had made from the last time we had sex.

I continued to hit down on several different places on his neck until I found his sweet spot. He moaned louder when I bit on one spot, and I smiled. I licked and sucked on that one area until his neck looked a bit bruised.

I noticed that I had been biting his neck, he had been unbuttoning my shirt. He was on the last button and I laughed. "You really are impatient aren't you, you little slut." I said. He blushed and continued to unbutton my shirt until he had completely taken it off.

I then proceeded to unbuckle my pants and take off his shirt. I kissed down his shoulders as I was taking his shirt off, which he whined too. "Ngh~.." He slightly covered his mouth and I took his hand off. "Remember what I said last time love? Don't cover your noises.. I want to hear every single one of them."

I smiled. He nodded and I continued to take his shirt off. After I took his shirt and my pants off, I started to slid off the jeans that Michael was wearing. "Mmh.. please hurry.." He whispered. I put a finger on his lips, shushing him.

"Shh, you don't want another punishment do you darling?" I whispered back. He shook his hand as if saying no and I chuckled. "That's what I thought." I then took off his jeans and I positioned myself to lining up with him.

I slid my dick inside his hole and he moaned loudly. "Ahh~ w-wait~.." he moaned. I stopped and waited for him to tell me to continue. A few seconds later, he nodded and I continued to pound into him. "AH~ S-shit~!"

He moaned while closing his eyes. I thrusted into him a bit more until I found his spot. He moaned loudly as I pounded into a spot. "AHH~ R-RIGHT THERE~" he moaned and I watched as he rolled his eyes to the back of his head, and as I continued to thrust into him.

About 10 minutes later, he cummed on the bed sheets and a bit on the floor, and I cummed inside of him. He moaned loudly and the he collapsed on top of me. I pulled out and kissed his head. "Let's take a bath, okay?

I'll put the bed sheets to wash, and you can turn on the water and get in the bathtub." He nodded and I carried him to the bathtub, placing him down inside of it while he reached for the knobs. He turned on the warm water one, and I left the room to go put the bed sheets to wash.

Michael POV:
I sat in the bathtub as I waited for the hot water to come. My legs were pretty numb, so I couldn't really walk at the moment. The hot water then came and J waited for Noah.

A few minutes later, he walked back in the bathroom, and got in the bathtub with me. He sat behind me, and put me on his lap. I smiled and cuddled into his chest as he held me. "I love you baby." I whispered as I started to fall asleep. "I love you too darling."

I heard him also whisper as he kissed my head and then layed his head on top of mine. I smiled and then fell asleep, knowing that I was safe with him.

1271 words! Yay<3

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