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Adara made a face. "What, why?"

Cale shrugged his shoulders. "I have no idea, that's all he said."

"'Cale, come to my study tonight, and bring Adara' is a bit ominous, don't you think?" she asked, moving the sack of bread higher up her shoulder. They were going up the hill, for their second or third turn today to feed the Man-Eating Tree, they had bought medicinal herbs for the children who were waiting outside the gate for some bread.

He shrugged his shoulders. "We haven't done anything, so I don't think he's going to tell us off or something. Maybe tell us some big news, after all, the capital event is soon, the Crown Prince has probably already sent out invitations."

Her mood darkened. "Oh yeah, the Plaza Terror Incident. Basen is going to go, right?"


Her eyes grew colder. "And what happens to him?"

"It didn't exactly say all the wounded, seeing as Choi Han didn't really know everyone by name. But," he paused, not exactly looking Adara in the eye, "there's a high chance he got hurt."

Adara didn't say anything, her mind in turmoil.

Once at the top of the hill, the children came running up to them. Adara handed the older one the medicinal herbs. "This is for you."

The silver-haired child made a face. "This is not bread."

Adara shrugged. "But you're hurt. Those herbs will heal you." She walked around the silver-haired child, who was still staring at the herbs with her wide golden eyes.

The younger child had moved in front of Adara and Cale. "You cannot die. Both of you. Cannot die," he said, a fierce look in his eyes.

Adara had a small smile on her lips. "We will not die." Without another word she walked through the gate, standing in front of the Man-Eating tree, Cale following close behind her.

The tree let out a low shriek. "More," it begged in a distorted voice, sounding more and more like a weak woman with a raspy voice, "more, give me more."

Adara's eyes narrowed. "Shush. Be patient. We'll give you more if you stop making such eerie noises."

The tree didn't let out a single sound after she said that.

"Could you please say that one more time?" Cale asked, blinking. Adara was also confused.

Count Deruth looked up at the two, taking note of their stunned faces. "Cale, you shall go to the Capital as our family's representative. Adara, I asked your father, and he permitted you to go as your family's representative."

Adara opened her mouth but immediately closed it. Why? was the only thing running in her head. Why did he do it? They'd only cause a ruckus and further drag their name in the dir— she broke off in her thoughts. If we go to the Capital we can stop the Terror Incident.

Cale had started sweating as Count Deruth continued talking. "Originally, Basen was supposed to go. However, you are the firstborn of our family. I thought it would be fitting."

Basen was in the room with them, standing a bit further from them. He was avoiding eye contact with them, as he often did.

Count Deruth had a gentle smile on his face and was still talking to Cale. "The Crown is hosting a big event, and the noble families of each territory have been invited to gather. It will be your first time to go visit the Crown, but Basen has been going to similar functions for the last two years. However, I am hoping for you to go this time, with Adara accompanying you so you aren't alone."

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