Friends? ☁️ (Krux)

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Hi this took so long cause I deleted the first draft of it cause most of it was dilly-dallying, and I just picture krux as aro, so yea every unrequested chapter with Krux will be platonic if you don't want that request a non platonic oneshot, requests are always open also kruxie boy has a big ol uncontrollable stutter cause your mom that's why

Krux's pov
All alone, why am I all alone in the middle of nowhere woods, I don't know I just needed to get away for a while, all those other elemental masters are too loud


"What the-" my mumbling was interrupted by a person falling into my lap along with a broken branch of the tree I was sitting under
"Shi- sorry! Did I hurt you? I didn't mean too if I did" the person quickly said in a frantic tone
"No-nope, a-are you-you?" I questioned quickly cringing at my stutter
"Fine, so uhh you cold or something? You sound a bit shaky" the person said in a confused voice
"N-no I just-just have a stu-stutter, I-I'm sor-sorry..." I mumbled
"Oh no I'm sorry, it's fine you can't control it!"
They quickly said
"Oh, co-could you m-maybe get off-off my lap?" I asked wanting them to leave already
"Oh sorry" they apologized as they got off my lap "it's o-okay" It's not, I don't like anyone but my brother being that close to me.
"S-so wh-why were y-you in a t-tree?" I asked (lol such redundancy but I can't think of any more words to describe speaking)
"I got bored" I shrugged as they answered
"Oh" I said barely audible
"What're you doing in the woods?"
They asked

"I uhh d-don't know, m-my fri-friends are t-too loud..." I told them
"Oh I don't got any friends, just trees" they said which lead to awkward silence
"Uhhh d-do you wa-want to be f-friends?" I asked nervously
"Sure!" They excitedly agreed
"N-now what?" I asked hoping they'd know what to do now
They just shrugged and ran off, weirdo. But atleast they're quieter than the other elemental masters, now I have to go back before Acronix dies of anxiety.

Well except some more updates now I got this out

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