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Diablo is one of the 4 horsemen of the Apocolypse along with Aries aka War, Edge aka famine, and Dom aka Conquest, a group of brothers within the Death Reapers MC. They were called that because people felt that they brought death and plague where ever they went. Most bikers looked and were scary so people were afraid of them. But what makes a biker afraid? The Four Horsemen. Like Comanche, Dom, Dillion, Aries, Edge, Chino, and Geek. Diablo has become one of Charlie Blue's boys.


He stood right in the doorway, scanning the Saints MC clubhouse bar. He noted everyone who was partying, club members and civilians. He knew every exit, and where every prospect was. But that wasn't what he was looking for. Then he spotted her sitting at a table not far from her older brother's table. He watched her laughing and smiling with her friends. Then she looked up and straight at him and met his eyes head-on, no flinching no fear. She smiled that big huge smile and waved at him to come over. He started walking over and then it happened. Just as he expected, all the people near her and her friends frowned. Fear lit up their eyes, and her friends started moving closer to her as if she would protect them from him. He was used to it, everyone did it. They said he had the aura of death around him, people felt like they were going to be killed either by him or if they got too close to him. They said death permeated his soul. And, anyone with any sense would fear death.

She didn't act like that, she never acted like that, she was his bright light, the sun to his darkness. He walked over and she jumped up giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Before stepping back smiling that huge smile of hers. He then pulled her close again and kissed her on the side of the head as he always did. She pulled away again but this time looking him over as if inspecting him to make sure he was okay. When whatever she was looking for was satisfactory, she hugged him again. Then she grabbed him a soda from one bucket and a beer from the other bucket on her table and sent him off to be with the rest of the fellas in the Saints' MC clubhouse.

He was happy even when he heard her friends talking about him as he left. 

"He's so scary." 


"How are you able to be around him." 


"Seeing him sends a shiver down my spine." 


"If I were you I wouldn't hang around him or even hug him. It feels like death is hanging all around him. Like someone walked over my grave." 

They all looked at her with fear in their eyes, but she only looked back at them with a smile. Shaking her head because she didn't see him that way. She has never seen him the way they see him. But the last whisper wiped the smile off of her face. 

"I see why he has that scary road name. What is the road name again? What do they call him?" 

They all looked at her waiting for her to answer. She frowned and then sighed, saying one word.


Diablo aka Death (Book 3 of the Death Reapers MC and Saints MC)Where stories live. Discover now