Chapter 2

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As I sit in the instructor's office, my fingers tap restlessly on the wooden table. The anticipation of what's to come has my heart racing like a wild horse galloping across an open field. We were given the news last night that we would be assigned a case today, and the thought of potentially working on a high-profile one is enough to make my mind race with excitement.

Outside, the rain is pouring down, creating a hypnotic drumming sound against the window. I swing my foot back and forth, unable to contain my restless energy. As I bite down on my lip, I can feel my body humming with a mix of nervousness and anticipation. This case is the chance of a lifetime for every trainee, a dream we have all been waiting for.

The door creaks open, and the instructor waltzes in with a grin plastered on his face. He scans the room, his eyes finally landing on me. "Lena Fisher," he says. "You're here to learn about the case."

I can barely contain my excitement, so I nod vigorously, my head bobbing up and down like a buoy in choppy waters. "Yes. Tell me everything."

The instructor's grin grows wider, and he strolls over to his desk, his hands fumbling through the stack of files. He finally finds what he's looking for and holds it up for me to see. "Let's check."

I take a deep breath, inhaling the musty scent of the room, and exhale slowly, trying to calm my nerves. The instructor's eyes dart across the file, and he lets out a low whistle. "I see," he whispers. "It never happened before."

My heart leaps into my throat, and I lean forward. "What? What is it?"

The instructor's eyes meet mine, and he pauses for a moment, relishing in my eagerness. "You're assigned to our high-profile case with Tyler Evans."

My heart beats faster than a sprinting cheetah as I receive the news that I will work on a case that I've dreamt of for as long as I can remember. However, my euphoria comes to a screeching halt as I find out that Tyler, my irritating and arrogant classmate, will be my partner in crime. I try to maintain my composure and look at our instructor, but his stern expression confirms that this is not a joke.

I take a deep breath and attempt to calm my nerves, closing my eyes to escape reality for a moment. From the beginning of my training at the academy, I had envisioned solving this case alone, and proving to myself and others that I am the epitome of a perfect FBI agent. Now, I must face the challenge of working alongside Tyler, the very person who threatens to hinder my path to success.

As I blink, a sense of unease washes over me, reminding me of the inevitable clash with Tyler. It's not just his competitive streak that gets under my skin; it's the way he delights in making me appear foolish. Trusting him is out of the question; even contemplating the prospect makes my stomach churn with unease. I place my hands on my lap and look at the file, my eyes tracing over the words written on the cover. Dread creeps up on me, threatening to paralyze me, as the time ticks down to when I have to meet Tyler.

I extend my arm, offering the file to the instructor with a brisk push, as if trying to rid myself of a heavy burden. My jaw clenches and my gaze drifts away from the instructor, fixating on a distant point on the wall. "I can't work with Tyler Evans," I murmur, the words barely escaping my lips.

The instructor's eyebrows furrow, and a crease forms between them as he tilts his head in confusion. "Why wouldn't you be able to work with him?"

I press my tongue against the soft flesh of my cheek, my molars grinding against the skin. My body is tense, coiled like a spring ready to snap. The mere thought of speaking the truth feels absurd, as if it's an impossible feat. How could I possibly reveal the way Tyler's presence makes me feel? The way he ruffles my feathers and grates on my nerves? My fingers instinctively find their way to my hair, raking through the strands as my eyes remain fixed on the intricate pattern of the parquet floor.

The instructor's stern gaze remains fixed on me as he pushes the file across the desk, the sound of his palm slapping against the surface filling the room. He leans forward, his fingers tapping impatiently against the wood.

"Work with Tyler Evans," he declares, his tone brooking no argument. He tilts his chin towards the file as if the papers inside hold some kind of ultimate authority. "You're out of the academy if you don't."

My eyes widen as I stare down at the file, my mind racing with questions and protests. I feel a lump forming in my throat, but before I can speak, the instructor shifts his weight, his posture growing even more imposing.

He raises his eyebrows expectantly, his mouth set in a thin line. His arms remain folded across his chest as if he's daring me to challenge him.

I gulp, my mouth still hanging open in surprise. The weight of his stare feels heavy on my shoulders, and I can't help but fidget in my seat, my fingers drumming anxiously on the armrests.

"What?" I stammer, my voice barely above a whisper.

My hand reaches out to touch the manila folder containing my fate. The weight of the consequences of what lies within makes my stomach churn, and the thought of being cast out of the academy is like a knife twisting in my gut. I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what's to come, and slip the folder into my backpack. The bag feels heavier now, as if carrying the weight of my future. I know that I've poured my heart and soul into this academy, sacrificing countless hours to earn my spot. As I turn to leave, my heart is heavy with the realization that my dream could slip away in an instant if I'm not careful.

As I step through the doors of the office, my backpack weighing heavy on my shoulders, I feel the tension drain out of me. The waiting hall is a welcome respite from the chaos. I collapse into a seat, my backpack slipping from my grip and thudding to the ground. I take a deep breath, trying to dispel the unease that still lingers within me. The morning had blindsided me, catching me off-guard with the news that I would work with Tyler Evans. The thought of being kicked out of the academy adds another layer of dread to the pit in my stomach.

I can't help but wonder what my father would think if he knew about my conversation with the instructor. I try to push the thought aside, but it lingers in the back of my mind like a persistent shadow. With a heavy sigh, I retrieve the file from my backpack, the confirmation of my collaboration with Tyler emblazoned on the first page. The paper feels crisp and new between my fingers as I snap the file shut. With a resounding thud, I drop my backpack to the floor.

Standing in front of the office's door, my chest feels tight as if someone is squeezing the air out of my lungs. The thought of being paired with Tyler to solve a high-profile case that will determine my graduation from the academy is suffocating. I glance at the door, contemplating the option of knocking and asking for another trainee to work with. However, the possibility of being expelled from the academy looms like a dark cloud over my head. The mere idea of failing to solve the case with Tyler, who always gets on my nerves, sends shivers down my spine.

I reach for the straps of my trusty backpack, slinging it over my shoulders with practiced ease. It's heavy with the file, but its weight serves as a reminder of the gravity of our situation: Tyler and I are paired up for the long haul, tasked with the daunting challenge of graduating and earning our place in the esteemed FBI family. The thought alone makes me tremble with excitement and anticipation, but also with a hint of fear.

As I make my way toward the exit of the imposing building, I can feel the nervous energy coursing through my veins. I take a deep breath and try to conjure up ways to face Tyler without giving in to my nerves. Will he be there waiting for me? Does he already know that we're paired up? I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, threatening to choke me with every beat.

Finally, I push open the imposing double doors leading out to the bustling courtyard of the academy. The sun is high in the sky, and I can feel its warmth enveloping me as I step outside. For a moment, I close my eyes and savor the feel of the sun on my skin, letting its rays wash over me like a gentle tide.

But my moment of tranquility is short-lived. I know I can't hide from Tyler forever. I open my eyes and take a deep breath, bracing myself for what's to come. My heart is pounding in my throat, a constant reminder of the daunting task that lies ahead. Tyler and I have work to do, and it won't be easy. But I'm ready to face it head-on, no matter what the future holds.

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