Chapter 16

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My shoes drag along the dusty floor, leaving behind a trail of grit and grime. The wooden planks used to board up the window behind me is riddled with splinters, catching on my clothes as I deliberate whether to reveal myself. With a quick and fluid motion, I retrieve the samples from my pocket and tuck the plastic bags away in a hidden nook.

My heart races as I contemplate leaving Tyler alone with the person who heads the organization I once put my faith in. Scanning the area, I ensure the evidence is well-concealed before raising my hands in surrender and stepping out of my hiding place. The director's fingers are wrapped around a gun, which is pressed against Tyler's temple. His lips twist into a wicked smile as his eyes meet mine.

The director's voice drips with malice as he sneers at me, "You're just like your father, always putting loyalty above reason. He couldn't leave his partner behind either."

I feel my blood boil as I scream back, "What are you even talking about?"

His grip on the gun tightens as he reminds me, "Don't forget, Tyler is right here. One wrong move and he's dead."

I hear Tyler's whisper, "Lena, why didn't you leave?"

"I couldn't just abandon you."

The director's eyes narrow as he glares at me. "Your father knew the consequences of his actions. Do you?"

My mind races as I stare back at him, the truth dawning on me. "What do you know about my father's death?"

Cruel laughter escapes the director's lips as he shoves Tyler away, his gun now aimed at me. My arms remain frozen in the air, a testament to my surrender. At that moment, the possibility of my death seems insignificant compared to the truth I seek about my father's passing and the FBI's involvement in it. I fix my gaze on the director, unwavering in my determination.

"I can't tell you. Give me the samples first," the director barks, his eyes narrowed and filled with suspicion.

I feel a pit in my stomach as I reply, "I don't have the samples. We couldn't find evidence."

The director's face contorts with anger, his grip on the gun tightening. "You expect me to believe that?"

I look over at Tyler, silently communicating with him through our gaze. He nods ever so slightly, reassuring me we made the right decision. I turn back to the director, my voice unwavering, "It's the truth. We found nothing."

I can see the gears turning in the director's mind as he considers my words. Finally, he speaks again. "If you're lying, I'll make sure you both pay."

"Tell me about my father," I demand, closing the distance between myself and the director. "I have a right to know the truth."

The director's eyes roll. "Don't even think I'll tell you." He aims his gun at Tyler and orders, "Move to the pillar over there."

Tyler stands his ground, his voice steady. "Why would I? You can't force me."

The director's face twists into a scowl. "No? I'll kill both of you if you don't obey. Move. Now."

I shoot a glance at Tyler, silently reassuring him. "I can handle myself."

Tyler exhales a heavy sigh before making his way over to the pillar, his steps slow and deliberate. The director watches him, waiting until Tyler has sat down before taking action. He turns to me and nods, ordering me to tie Tyler to the stone construction. Once he's sure that he's secure and unable to move, the director returns his attention to me, his gun trained on my chest once more.

"Take a walk with me," the director says, gesturing toward the old stairs. "I have to show you something."

Tyler tries to move his hands, but the restraints keep him in place. "Don't follow him."

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