🍁 Eight : Late Night Worries + CAST

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Vincent's day had been packed from the moment he woke up, with an important meeting looming at eleven in the morning. 

Balancing his career with his desire to spend more time with his wife, Genevieve, had always been a challenge.

Ever since his father had selected him to be his right-hand man, Vincent found himself constantly juggling between business trips to Sydney, Melbourne, Toronto, and Seoul. 

Despite the demanding nature of his profession, he yearned to prioritize his time with Genevieve, even if it meant sacrificing his own desires.

As Vincent exited the meeting room, he was greeted by Jane Smith, a friend from university and one of his employees.

"Hey, Vince," Jane greeted him warmly.

Vincent returned the greeting with a smile. "Oh, hey, Jane."

"It's been a while since you've been around. How are you holding up?" Jane inquired as they walked side by side.

"Good as always. And you?" Vincent replied.

"Ditto," Jane chuckled lightly. "How's Evie?"

Vincent's expression softened at the mention of his wife. "She's doing alright," he answered, his concern evident.

Jane nodded thoughtfully. "How's the therapy I suggested going?"

Vincent took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "Honestly, I'm not sure. She's had some reservations about it, worried that it might not be effective or even worsen her condition. I've tried to reassure her, but she remains skeptical."

Jane's gaze dropped slightly, reflecting her regret. "You've been through a lot, Vince. I only hoped I could make things easier for you both. I'm sorry."

Vincent placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Jane, it's alright. We're grateful for your support, truly. Genevieve appreciates it, even if she doesn't always show it."

With a grateful smile, Vincent reached his office door. "Well, I'm swamped at the moment. Thanks for chatting, Jane."

Jane returned the smile. "Of course, anytime. It's great to have you back. I'll be in my cubicle if you need anything."

As Jane walked away, Vincent watched her go with a sense of gratitude. 

Then, he turned his attention to the tasks awaiting him in his office, feeling a renewed sense of determination to tackle them head-on.

• • • 🍁 • • •

It was already seven in the evening in Toronto, and Vincent found himself still at his office, immersed in work. 

He loosened the tie around his neck, feeling the weight of the long day, and left a couple of buttons undone on his shirt.

As he glanced around, he noticed that most of the office had emptied out by five, except for Jane, who remained diligently focused on her tasks, her eyes fixed on her desktop screen.

Vincent decided to check on her, feeling a sense of camaraderie towards his hardworking employee.

He rose from his chair, grabbed his empty coffee mug, and made his way over to Jane's cubicle.

"Hey, Jane. It's getting late. Shouldn't you be heading home?" Vincent leaned against the edge of her cubicle, his tone gentle.

Jane was startled by his sudden appearance but quickly composed herself. "I'm almost done, just wrapping up," she replied, her fingers still tapping away at the keyboard.

Vincent nodded, glancing at her cluttered desk. "Need any help?"

"I'm good, thanks," Jane said, quickly tidying up her workspace and reaching for her blazer.

Vincent noticed her hesitance and offered, "I can walk you out, if you want. It's dark out, and you never know."

Jane hesitated, torn between accepting his offer and worrying about her boyfriend's reaction. "I appreciate that, Vince, but I'm fine. My boyfriend will be here any minute."

Vincent understood her concern but persisted, "I'm leaving too. It's better to stick together, especially at this hour."

Jane relented, realizing the practicality of his offer. "Okay, sure. But I need to be quick."

"Of course," Vincent agreed, grabbing his mug and heading to the kitchen to drop it off.

Jane's nerves were palpable as they rode the elevator down to the ground floor, both lost in their thoughts.

As they approached the entrance, Jane spotted her boyfriend's Hyundai sedan pulling up outside the building.

"Vince, you can stop here. My boyfriend's here," Jane said hastily, indicating towards the waiting car.

"Alright, take care. See you tomorrow," Vincent said with a nod, watching as Jane hurriedly exited the building and joined her boyfriend in the car.

Vincent couldn't help but notice the tension between Jane and her boyfriend, evident from the man's stern expression and Jane's reluctance to make eye contact with him.

Feeling a pang of concern for Jane, Vincent watched as the car drove off before heading towards his own vehicle, a black Lexus sedan.

Once inside his car, he took a moment to collect his thoughts before deciding to call his wife. He pulled out his phone, dialed her number, and waited anxiously for her to pick up.

But there was no answer.

Vincent tried again, his worry mounting with each unanswered ring.

Still no response.

With a sigh, Vincent rationalized to himself, "She must be busy."

Starting the engine, he began the drive back to his parents' house, hoping to hear from his wife soon.

End of chapter Eight.

End of chapter Eight

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