Chapter 5: James Coon

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James was scared out of his wits. As he overheard a conversation about the prophecy of 18 demigods again at the Demeter cabin, he was scared. He elbowed Cassandra, who was trying to teach Victor how to say her name.

"Uh, Cassandra, can I talk to you for a minute, please? Alone?" some of the other cabin-mates looked around, wondering what all the fuss was about. Cassandra got up and the two twins opened the door to the dinner hall and left. Cassandra looked concerned.

"What's wrong?" she crossed her arms on her chest and looked up at James, even though she was an inch taller. James thought this was just plan unfair, but there was more important things on his mind than height right now.

"Grover was talking about the prophecy of the 18 demigods." James explained, watching Cassandra's worried face.

"This is crazy. We have to talk to Rachel. What table does she sit at?" But when they entered the mess hall/dining area, they discovered Rachel talking to Victor, or at least trying to.

Looking at Rachel, James knew Cassandra was a bit jealous. Rachel had long frizzy red hair and green eyes. Today she was wearing an orange camp half-blood t-shirt and jeans that had drawings and paint splatters all over it. Rachel was 17.

"Hey Rachel, can we talk for a minute?" Cassandra asked. Rachel scooted away from Victor, looking relieved. Victor frowned and ate the rest of his lunch, some kind of French pastry.

"About the prophecy. How many demigods did you say it contained?" Rachel rolled her eyes.

"Cassandra, it's called the prophecy of the 18."

"Yes, I know! But did it say how many demigods from each cabin, anything like that?"

"I don't remember much, but I remember three from Apollo's cabin, two from Athena's, three from Demeter, and one from Hermes."

Cassandra immediately looked at the Demeter cabin; there were only three campers. Her eye lit up with worry and fear. James looked the same.

The two twins got back in their seats, for Chiron was announcing some news for the evening.

"May I have everyone's attention please? Thank you! Now, I know you all were excited about capture the flag tomorrow," The entire camp let out a groan of anger, "But this is important! We are doing some drills because of the weakened Mist surrounding the camp. I want you all in your cabins by 6:30 this evening! No messing around! This is especially directed at the Hermes cabin, but I'm not saying any names." Many campers immediately looked around at the Stoll brothers, Sabrina trying to hide from embarrassment. Even Chiron, who usually joked around about things like this, was unimpressed, and wore a grimace instead of his usual smile. But Cassandra, wanting to know more, (the born scientist she was) sat up straight in her seat with her hand up towards the sky. She had a question, and she wanted it answered.

Chiron, seeing Cassandra's waving hand, walked over privately. Many heads turned; Chiron was more than 6 feet tall in horse form.

"Yes, Cassandra?" he asked.

"I'm sorry, sir. It's just, where is Mr. D?" Mr. D, or Dionysus, was a minor god of wine, and had to stay a century at camp for chasing some nymph. Anyway, Dionysus was usually present at camp, frowning angrily at campers, drinking diet soda. But today he wasn't present. Now that Cassandra remembered, she hadn't seen Mr. D at dinner for weeks. Something must be wrong.

"Dionysus is at Olympus. They are having an important meeting there with all the gods."

"How long will that take?"

"No one knows. There is much to discuss." Chiron walked away, leaving Cassandra with nothing but answers.

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