Chapter 31- Scarlett

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"We're here!" 13-year-old Scarlett proclaimed happily as Sabrina and herself landed the plane safely in camp Half-Blood about three hours later. Madeline, James, Cassandra and Steven rushed out of the plane, so she followed them quickly. 

"Come on." Cassandra commanded nervously. "Madeline and Scarlett, get working on the boat. I want to leave today. James and Steven, find a sail boat blue print in the Hephaestus cabin. I'm going to get extra supplies." Everyone ran off, and Madeline helped her find the perfect tree. 

"I hate cutting down trees." She remarked sadly, pulling out her sword. "If we have time, I'll grow a new one in its place." Scarlett nodded but didn't speak, too excited about the quest. After both girls managed to cut down a thick old oak and start hollowing it out, it was after four and James and Steven were back with supplies for the boat. The four set to work arranging the sails and making sure the tree was hydrodynamic and big enough. Cassandra was back with more supplies, and when it was about five in the afternoon, they were all done with the boat. Scarlett volunteered to fly the plane to Louisiana, and the five demigods lowered the make-shift boat into the plane. Hopefully the others were having some luck finding the other demigods. 

"Can't we just fly the plane over, and not use the boat?" Scarlett asked as they lugged the heavy boat into the plane at last.  Cassandra shrugged. 

"I guess. It would be faster. Let's do it, but keep the boat just in case. Come on!" They loaded into the plane. Scarlett loved flying it. She could control the winds to go as fast as she wanted. Since Cassandra begged her to fly faster to get there fast, she flew faster than she ever had before. She glanced back at her poor friend who was looking rather green. She bit her lip and still flew on. 

They had all landed safely in Argentina at about eight at night, which was seven in the U.S. The country was beautiful, a hot climate, a ton of vegetation.... Madeline was gaping at everything they saw. 

"Okay, we'll make camp here tonight, and start looking in the morning." Cassandra yawned, pulling a fold-able tent out of her back pack and setting it up without difficulty.  The tent was small, only holding a max. of five people, but Steven took up most of the space. Madeline and Scarlett volunteered to sleep outside. 

Both girls had closed their eyes and had fallen asleep when Madeline got up suddenly about four hours later. Scarlett, hearing the plants ruffle under her feet, got up slowly. 

"What's wrong?"

"Thought I heard something." Madeline replied, her eyes shinny and alert. Then Scarlett heard it; a faint ruffling in the trees. Madeline put a finger to her lips and motioned for Scarlett to follow slowly. 

"What is it? Shouldn't we get Cassandra up?" Scarlett asked worriedly. 

"Hurry. I'm going to find out." Scarlett watched as Madeline crept into the overgrowth. She ran to the tent and opened the flap. Steven was snoring loudly and heavily, and both Cassandra and James slept with their ears covered. Scarlett shook Cassandra awake. 

"Cassandra! Get up!"

"Scarlett, what's wrong? It's two in the morning!" Cassandra replied, her voice muffled by blankets. 

"Madeline thinks she spotted a monster. Come on!" Cassandra elbowed James awake and the two twins followed Scarlett through the underbrush. 

"Canadians." Cassandra muttered under her breath. Scarlett gave her a strange look.

"What?" Scarlett asked, clearly confused. The group was far from Canada. 

Cassandra pointed. "There. Laistrygonian giants." She pointed to a clearing, where huge ugly beasts sleep loudly. Madeline was a good ten feet away from them, watching in wonder. 

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