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— Shall I serve you some tea?

Anthony put some water to boil while he recounted the beginning of our mission. I handed the paper to George to see if he could decipher it too. He examined it closely before saying,

— I think some of the characters are in runes, but there are too many corrections to be sure.

The boss turned around, surprised. Maybe he had a new hypothesis.

— But why address Mia in runes?

— It must be a language transmitted in her subconscious. It's recurrent among auditory and visual talents.

— Does that mean I can read runes?

— Only during your visions actually.

George seemed to know a lot about the subject; he is very clever. While Anthony served the tea, I explained the rest of our intervention to his friend.

— So, do you think the source may be linked to this piece of paper? If it was a man who lived in this house at the same time as the type 2 guy you saw, then there must be a link between their deaths.

This sentence allowed me to come up with a theory:

— What if it was a hostage situation and the word written by the woman was meant for the man I saw? That would explain why this woman was murdered in this room, why the source is in there, and why the man is connected to this story but died too.

Anthony put his tea cup on the table and said :

— In case of a hostage situation, if messages need to be passed, it's better to do it in a language that is not known. So, let's summarize. I feel like we're onto something here.

He took a notebook and wrote : "It's a big house that seems to belong to wealthy people. Inside, there's one type 2 ghost: a woman with visible rope marks on her and a bleeding skull. She was in a round room upstairs with only a chair, a fireplace, and a lamp inside. We suspect the presence of a second ghost. We'll put the vision story aside; it's a subject to study further."

The description of the room seems too short, too empty. My instinct tells me that there is something else inside.

— Anthony, I think there is something hidden in that room. A chair, a fireplace, and a lamp are not insignificant.

— I agree with you. George, could you go to the archives and find anything related to our case in the news and criminal records? Mia and I will try to understand how her visions works.

George grabbed his coat and bag without saying a word. I'm sure he'll find something to move the investigation forward. Anthony went to the library; I heard the sound of furniture being moved, and I wonder what he's up to.

A few minutes later, I hear his voice calling me from the office.

— It's straightforward. You're going to sit on the chair in the middle of the library. You're going to take the paper in your hand, and you'll try to contact this gentleman.

— But I don't know if I'm capable of that.

— I know you are. Please trust me.

He grabbed my wrist to lead me into the library, handed me a blindfold, and the infamous paper.

— If you need me, I am right here in front of you.

I then tightly squeezed the paper in my hand, trying to feel the same sensations as by the pond. But there was the place that was calling me, here I felt nothing.

Minutes passed, and I saw things but not this man. So, I thought back, during my two visions, it started because of water.

— Anthony, can you run me a bath ? I said. 

— Why? He asked. 

— To contact this gentleman. I replied.

He complied, and ten minutes later, I finally heard the water calling me while still holding the paper in my hand. That's when the idea of addressing the ghost out loud came to me. The sound guided me towards the bathtub, which was a good sign.

— Dear correspondent, can you hear me? I spoke out loud.

The bathwater began to stir, and it was time for me to get inside to get answers. Lockwood helped me step into the bathtub and whispered that he would be there if anything went wrong. As soon as I put my foot in the water, I felt a sharp sensation on my skin. The water was like electricity, or at least reactive.

Once I was in the water up to my shoulders, I saw a bright white light. Then nothing, only a buzzing that intensified, and I no longer felt the warm water on my clothes.


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