🕸️Saazish ki chakrabuyha🕸️

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                    🌹PART : 43 🔫

Vansh & Riddhima came back in house..

Uma feels relief to see them..
She runs towards them..
---" Riddhima ! What wrong happened with you ?
You went to abort this baby..
You didn't think about Vansh 's opinion ; if you are the mother of this child then remember Vansh also the father of this child and he have equal right to this baby like you.. If Vansh just wanted to molest you then he will throw you from this house in this condition , but he loves you damnit ; try to understand him..

Riddhima interrupts between Uma's talks..

Riddhima ( shouts) : Just enough !  You blamed me too much my dear mother-in-law..
Now just shut up..
What nonsense you are talking from last few minutes ?
I went hospital for check up as I was feeling unwell and you gave allegation on me that --'i went hospital to abort this baby ' How can you say this ?
Ohhoo ! I forget that mother -in-law's never treat their daughter -in-law's like their own girl..
For this reason you are drooling over your son and forget very easily about his deed..
What you were saying that I'm still in this house for your so kind son , otherwise he can threw me from this house in this condition..
Wow ! I'm spellbound to hear this..
Don't forget that one day he did this only , that day he never think once to put black mark on his own beloved wife 's character..
Today have you any warranty that your son will not do that ? 

  Vansh ( folds his hand ) : Riddhima ! Please clam down..
Anxiety is injurious for your health..
I am ready to say "sorry " to you for deed still my last breath..
Now go to your room and take rest please...

Riddhima angrily goes towards the bedroom..

Vansh ( cries ) : MAA ! Why you  said those words ?
I'm ; only I'm responsible for today's situation..

Uma cups his face..
-- " How can I sit idle to see my son in pain ?
She is humiliating you every day , as a mother I can't accept that.. "

Vansh brushes Uma's hair..
--" One day everything will be fine..
You don't feel sad to see my pain..
I deserve this pain..
By the way from where you got that letter ?
Riddhima said to me that she didn't write any letter..
Then ?
What is happening in this house again ?
Who is playing trick again ?
Kiska hai ye Saazish ?
Kon hai iss Saazish ki picche ??

Uma ( shockingly ) : I found that letter on your bedroom..

Vansh ( interrupts ) : And the letter is computerized..

To hear this Uma surprisingly looks at Vansh...


In the bedroom :

Riddhima sits down in front of the mirror to change her dress...

Vansh feels surprise to see Riddhima in black satin night suit..

--- " Don't need to struggle..
I am here to help you... " To say this Vansh comes to her..
He takes her foot on his thai then starts to apply the nail polish on the nails of her toe..

Riddhima ( smirks ) : Day by day you are impressing more..
You are the deserving candidate of the  Best husband's award...

Vansh ( smiles ) : I don't need any award..
I want to be the best husband only..

Now let's take the dinner....

Riddhima ( smirks ) : Okay...But first you will take the bite then I will take ; if poison in the food then first you will die..
Lol ! I'm just joking...
I know you can't do this but in your house others can do it....
So ---

Ishq ya Sazish___kiski hogi jeet ?? (#Riansh FF)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant