Chapter 2: Trapped in the Swamp

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Time passed slowly as the pair continued into the maze of the swamp, following a marshy stream that was gradually descending downhill. The squishy ground was crisscrossed with vines that could cause a person to trip if they were not careful. Mysterious animals that flourished in darkness and dampness were concealed within murky pools of great depth. Moss hung like curtains between the branches of the trees, which grew to a great height. The dense fog made it difficult to see beyond ten feet, which made their exploration of the area much more exciting.

Life teemed in the marsh all around them. Creatures resembling enormous dragonflies with six wings were soaring low over the river or perched on nearby trees in pursuit of easy prey. Perhaps a warning to aerial predators, these striking creatures had stripes of blue circles fashioned like eyeballs on their backs. Fortunately for Kiri and Spider, they weren't interested in them since they were too big to prey upon.

Yeriks, dark blue, six-legged animals resembling gazelles, roamed in herds of usually twelve throughout the marsh. They had large, widely-spaced eyes, sloping snouts, and retractable, light-colored fan structures that they could employ to either lure mates or fend off possible predators. They were naturally wary and fled when disturbed, but even an experienced hunter could be hurt if cornered. Since they were the main species the Na'vi relied on for food and clothes, they were revered at all times, even after they died.

Some plants were unusual, consisting of known and unfamiliar species they had never seen before. Most of the plants were tall grasses that grew out of the water and came in various green and blue tones. Several carnivorous plants looked like huge Venus fly traps that could catch a person if they got too close.

The frog-like animals, whose luminous white antennae poked above the water's surface, swam around everywhere they looked. Their light shone through the fog, casting an eerie glow over the swamp. Kiri was at a loss for a proper name for them, so she jokingly referred to them as "Spider Frogs" due to the fact that Spider spent a significant amount of time attempting to catch one without being successful.

Then there were the towering, magenta-glowing fungal formations that protruded a story out of the water. Inside the tall, obelisk-like structures were colonies of insects the size of beetles with wings and powerful pincers. It was possible to see the insect colony's workers traveling to and from the colony with food deliveries and the day's discards.

Cat ears, so-called in English because of their tube-like structure shaped like feline ears, grew on many of the trees in the marsh. The Omaticaya usually collected them because their sound when the wind or breath passed through them made for excellent musical instruments. Kiri excelled at playing them, often to Tuk's delight.

After two hours of hiking, the two stopped to rest on an ancient log overlooking a marshy clearing. They were surrounded by pools of stagnant water, from which huge, white-colored fungal colonies rose above the surface. Thick and white, the mist obscured everything save for the faintest rays of sunshine streaming through the trees above.

"Could you imagine living out here?" Spider remarked as he relaxed a little on his perch and took in his surroundings. "It's quiet, and there's nobody around to bother you. I guess this is why your dad picked this spot because the RDA wouldn't want to come out here."

Kiri stared into the murky water and observed a few fish swimming around. Their armored backs flashed in various hues, possibly to make them look smaller than they were or to attract prey. They had sharp, long teeth that stuck out of their mouths and would probably bite her toes if she stuck her feet in.

"I don't think I'd like to live here," Kiri mused as she reached into the bag at her waist and pulled out some berries she had picked up on the trip. While taking in her environment, she munched on a few of them. This place didn't sit well with her. "You remember all the stories we heard about places like this. The evil spirits that lurk in places like this. The Alta'maha..." She uttered it with an apprehensive draw.

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