Chapter 10: Shadows in the Jungle

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Author note: I use { } to separate Na'vi and English when it's appropriate for the scene.

Kiri inhaled deeply and counted.

One, two. Inhale, exhale. One, two.

Kiri sat cross-legged, eyes closed, with her back against a tree. She continued her breathing, trying to focus on the pounding heartbeat leaping out of her chest. Her arms trembled down to her fingertips. Images of fire and smoke flashed in her mind, but then, all of a sudden, a gentle scent wafted in her direction. It was the "sun lilies" nearby, the multi-petaled bluish-purple flowering plants that the Na'vi used to make jewelry. She and Tuk made them together for the family. The idea of her stoic father wearing them was the funniest but endearing thing she saw.

One, two. Inhale, exhale.

The images are still there. Thinking about Jake Sully didn't help much, and Kiri absentmindedly played with his bracelet on her wrist. Impatient with her progress, she cracked open an eyelid and took in the scenery. An enormous waterfall in the distance, surrounded by dozens of large grazing animals. It was far more pleasant than the swamp in its playful vibrance against the morning sun, although the swamp's dismal filthiness had its own charms.

That's right; she was no longer back in the village. Her skin felt warm from the morning light shining through the forest canopy. Her eyes followed the outlines of the trees until she could see the top of the mountains, with their hazy, snow-covered summits that reached into the heavens. She only saw snow from afar when she had ridden Gracie, going so far as to reach freezing altitudes. She imagined that snow felt soft and sponge-like.

Thinking of Gracie brought her back to the moment she and the Ikran were torn from each other, queue disconnected. The loss of Gracie weighed heavy on her shoulders, and she blamed herself for pushing her too hard when she was not ready.

The pleasant scenery barely distracted her from the traumatic events. Kiri, Txoum, and Ghost had walked tirelessly with few breaks through the valley for two days and nights at this point. Her mind played with every imaginable possibility, but every one ended in frustration. Even in her sleep when they set up camp for the night, she spent it reliving every second of that day, and it always ended up the same. Txoum would wake her up and say she was having a nightmare. To Kiri, a nightmare wasn't the best way to describe it; it was a living hell.

Txoum also lost his Ikran during the battle. It was not easy to discuss it on the first night of travel, as the emotions were still so raw, as was everything. First a searing hot pain, and then sudden isolation like the world turned black. It left them breathless, like taking a punch to the gut. Even though the two managed to bond over their immense losses, it still left them feeling hollow in a way. When they managed to sort through some of the emotions, Txoum and Kiri both promised to return and commemorate all the deceased, Na'vi and Ikran alike.

Kiri closed her eyes and took several deep breaths, this time from her stomach, until she could feel the anxiety beginning to subside. She had been taught this meditation method by Mo'at, and it had always helped her calm down during panic episodes and fall asleep.

After several minutes of doing this, Kiri opened her eyes and finally felt her mind clear for the moment, and she remembered she needed to finish what she was doing. She was collecting supplies—herbs and edibles—because they were leaving soon after Txoum returned with their breakfast. With her tattered leather bag resting at her feet, she reached down and picked it up before placing it over her good shoulder. Her other arm was still in its worn-out cast, and she resisted removing it.

Kiri then began thoroughly searching the area. There were many mushrooms, both little and large, in all shades of color, and only the small bluish-green ones were non-toxic, so she grabbed a few of them. Above her head, a tribe of curious, six-legged monkey-like creatures called Syaksyuk were in Na'vi, eating fruits and swinging between the branches as they observed her. They were cute and adorable, but they sure weren't sharing their food.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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