Chapter Sixteen||That Funny Little Feeling

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Chapter Sixteen
That Funny Little Feeling

Tilly could not shake off this terrible feeling.

It was the day of the ball and all she did all day was lay in bed.

She was desperately searching for why she felt this immense amount of dread in her stomach. It was strong and kept leaving a bad taste in her mouth.

It was two hours before the family's had to leave so Tilly decided to drag herself out of bed and get ready.

After being yelled at three times for taking too long, Tilly finally walked down the stairs in her blue silk dress with freshly curled hair and pink eyeshadow.

Conrad grabbed her arm and walked her out the door, "took you long enough. Mom and Laurel already left," he said as they both got in the car.

Till frowned, "sorry. I just don't feel like going to this stupid ball."

Conrad put his car into reverse and nodded, "tell me about it."


Tilly and Conrad quickly took their seats and sighed in relief. The two stopped to get donuts on the way so when they actually arrived, the debutants were already walking down the stairs.

"Isabel Conklin, daughter of John Conklin and Laurel Park," the announcer stated and Tilly couldn't help but cheer for her sister.

"Isn't she gorgeous," Tilly whispered to Conrad and it was true, Belly was gorgeous.

Belly and Jeremiah walked over to their table and Tilly immediately stood and wrapped Belly in a hug. "You are doing great bels," she whispered as Belly smiled before walking away.

Later into the night the people that presented the debutants came on stage and broke out into a horrifying dance number. Tilly has never wanted to disappear more.

She watched in horror as her brother pranced around like a drunk frat boy. Steven was surprisingly not as bad.

"This is terrible, someone stop them," Tilly said as she gestured to them.

Her mother just laughed, "their so cute though! Let them have fun!"

Tilly just groaned and melted into Conrad's chest so she didn't have to witness the terrible dancing. Conrad just laughed at his sisters antics.


"Connie have you seen your brother?" Susanna asked as Tilly sat down after using the restroom.

"He was just here a second ago," he said with a shrug as Tilly turned to him in concern.

"Who's going to dance with Belly?" She asked as said girl stood on the dance floor looking for her date. "Connie," Tilly started as Conrad averted his eyes from Belly to his sister. "Go dance with her." He stared at his sister before nodding and moving to the dance floor.

As Tilly watched the two dance she realized that she was right. Belly would always chose Conrad, no matter what. They were ment to be.

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