Chapter 21

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Diamond's POV

Jordan woke me up early that morning. A part of me thought that he found out about the way Sky looked at me yesterday.

"Jordan!" I moan. " Why did you wake me up so early?"

"Because, I wanted to ask you something" He says as he pulls me out of bed. 

"Fine. Let's sit by the window and eat something."  I walk over to the table and sit down. Jordan sits down beside me and brings over some food. 

"So, what do you want ask me?"

"I. I wanted to know what you looked like in real life."

"What? Why would you want to know that? We might not get out of here for a while."

"So, I want to know about you. You know how I look IRL and other things as well. If we are going to be a couple I want to know more about you."

That is true, I do know about him. Maybe I should. First I decided I wanted to know what he wanted to know.

"What do you want to know Jordan?"

"What do you look like?"

"Well, I look nothing like I do here except for my eye color. I have light brown hair that comes down to my shoulders. I also have glasses as well."

"Okay, so your still beautiful then."

"Whatever you say Jordan" I say blushing.

"Fine, what else? How about basic facts. Birthday, age, stuff like that?"

"Okay, I am 20 years old, my birhtday is February 15th, um my favourite colour is purple, I consider myself a girl gamer. Uh, I don't think there is anything else!"

"Wow, that is very coincadental, my birthday is 5 days before yours!" 

"Strange, quick question. Do you still love me even though I don't look like this in real life?"

"Of course Diamond. I love you no matter what."

Yeah, but are you do the only one who loves me? I think to myself in my head. Because, I'm sure there are others who love me as well.

Bright's POV

A couple of more seconds and then, I pull the lever. Oh what a pleasant wake up call they are going to have! I stand in the shadows and wait for one of them to stir. Wait! One of them is moving, time to pull the lever. BAM! They wake up with a startle and Tiff hits her head on the roof of the cage.

"What the hell is going on!"

" I don't know!"

"Make the dam thing stop!"

I laugh in the corner and turn it off.

"What the fuck? It just stopped!"

"That was the best thing! You should  have seen your faces!" I say as I walk into the brighter area of the room.

"You did that! What the hell was that for!" Deadlox yelled out.

"You, you three were so noisy last night my father got pissed off and had no sleep. So I decided for you guys to get the same treatment. I hope you guys had a nice wake up call! Thank you and come again soon!" I say with a laugh.

"Hahahaha very funny. It's was day time though while we were up. Why wasn't your father awake?" Jason replied.

"Sarcasm. Not a wise choice." I say and run up close to Jason's cage. Scaring him of course.

A Gamers Secret, Book One: The Mystery in Minecraftia   {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now