Another year at Hogwarts

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Diary Entry: 1st September 1993
10:35 am

Third year.


Everyone's gonna think I'm a freak. I was barely at school last year because of the incident.

My brother went missing.

And became a Death Eater.

My perfect older brother. The boy who was gentle and kind. The boy with perfect grades and loved by all. The boy who couldn't hurt a fly.

The boy who had apparently joined the dark force.

Well, according to the news that is.

Ah yes...The Daily Prophet. The most reliable source. For the ignorant ones, at least.

Now, you must think how strange it is for a Hufflepuff to be accused of being a death eater. Well, so do I. Their only piece of evidence is that he's best friends with a Slytherin. And that he had a crazy obsession with the dark arts. Keyword: Had.

And... possibly started a fire in one of the shops in Hogsmeade. Which would've been fine - until the dark mark appeared.

He swore he had nothing to do with it and pleaded his way through court. Luckily, he was found innocent. Thanks to his past, he was a clean slate.

Until a week later.

He was involved in a huge fight with 3 hooded men. Spectators apparently heard their argument escalate from verbal to physical, blood streaming from their jaws, their fists pounding against one another. Others say my brother willingly followed them down a narrow alley as if he was a part of their little club.

Some say they heard their whispers Saying he was coming back. Waiting. Listening. Watching. That he was ready to make his move. And strike.

I don't actually know what happened that day, but what I do know is that he was gone within the week. He left nothing but a note, his handwriting sprawled messily along the lines:

I'm sorry.
I have to do this. For your safety. Don't worry about me. Im perfectly fine.
Don't look for me.
And don't trust anyone. Hogwarts isn't safe anymore.
Sirius Black is on the move.
And so are the others.

I can't say much now. You just have to trust me.

Sorry, Mum. Sorry, Belle*.

Please forgive me.

I love you.

(*Belle is what people call her sometimes - like a nickname)

Life's been hell since then. Ever since the rumours began circulating, We've received all sorts of unpleasant messages. For instance, last week we had 4 howlers from random angry people saying how they feel "unsafe" around us and how we should move away from them. Or how they always knew my brother wasn't "a real Hufflepuff".

As if they weren't the ones who invited him to their homes. As if they don't already know who he really is. What type of person he is.


Why dwell on such hypocrisy. Such stupid people are irrelevant to me.

Well, now I have to get ready for school. The train leaves at 11 and we need to get there before then or I'll get left behind. Again.

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