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I pulled into the drive when I saw a familiar car out front I instantly knew who it was gabbis ex boyfriend he was a ass I hated him. His ego was bigger than his balls and he was a narcissist he made gabbi feel like shit. I walked up to the door and heard yelling from inside. I barged through and set my bags down quickly so I could beat this guys ass. I turned and saw cliff face to face with Niall (gabbis ex) cliff was much taller than him and was screaming in his face to get out everybody was just watching nobody moved. James was in the doorway hallway that led to my room and the girls were watching from the kitchen I couldn't see gabbi anywhere. Thats when my Mom mode kicked in I stormed over to Niall and grabbed im by the shirt and brought him to the ground."IF YOU EVER COME NEAR GABBI OR ANYONE OF MY GIRLS I WILL CHOP UR DICK OFF" I screamed at Niall. I drug him outside and went back in and shut the door locking it behind me. I set off to gabbis room to see if she was ok.
I saw gabbi siting on her bed crying. I rushed to her and put my arms around her reassuring that he was gone and would not come back.

Gabbi finally calmed down so I went down stairs to put my bags away that I left at the door. I grabbed my bags and walked to my room to see james still in bed we weren't dating but I really liked him.
I put my shit away and kicked of my shoes. I wondered if james ever thought about me the way I thought about him we haven't known each other long but it feels like we have forever i thought as I sat down at my vanity to take my make up off. "Why hello there" james said from behind me i turned around and smiled "hello there" I said copying him
"Where did you go this morning" james asked me. "Oh I had softball practice"i told him at once. Our first game is Friday you should come if you know a playerp you get in for free" I said rushed " ok I will be there" james said sweetly. I went back to taking off my makeup when I thought of something that I could well we could do today.
"Do you like rollercoasters" I asked james while turning to see him. "Yeah?" Said james. I felt a shit eating grin spread on my face. "Hurry up and get dressed" I told james whilst spinning around to fix my makup that I just took off
This was gonna be fun.


I smiled as I put my backpack in the back seat of my truck james has probably asked me where were going five times now but I won't tell him. I didn't tell anybody else because I just wanted it to just be me and james even tho I know gabbi and elly would have LOVED to go with us to silver dollar city ( if u don't know what it is its a wild west amusement park with rollercoasters and shit). I think james will like it.But he said he liked rollercoasters.
"Hey can you pick a tape there's no good channels" I asked james " yeah sure" he replied. "I hope you weren't lying when you said you liked rollercoasters" I said.
"Well mabey if I knew where we are going I might like them" james said sarcastically "ugh fine were going to silver dollar city" I told him
"whats that ?" James asked completely obvious. " You don't know what silver dollar city is!" I gasped
He raised a brow and shook his head. "Silver dollar city is a amusement park that is like a wild west themed and has rollercoasters and shit" I explained. "Hmm ok mabey I do like rollercoasters" james humed putting in the black Sabbath tape. He's hot and has good music tase kill me now.

We pulled into sdc i was so excited I was basically bouncing up and down. I grabbed my backpack and hopped out james followed suit. I waited for him and once he got to my side or my truck I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the entrance. "Woah calm down" james laughed. "Uh I cant calm down this is the best place on earth" I said still dragging him to the gates. Once we got close enough I opened my bag and pulled out two cards "what are those" james asked "season passes" I said and I gave him one. We were next in line I was still holding his hand I loved it. We got up to the front and I gave the guy my card and so did james.
We were in my god did I love this place I've been here before many times but with james it was different." Where are we going first" james asked "thunderation its in the front so we start there and go down the line" I said with a smile.

Sorry this is short but if ur from missori u probs know what silver dollar city is I just wrote it so that is was in San fran sry not sry

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