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The truth can be like fire, beautiful and powerful, yet dangerous. One must think first before starting a fire, because it is hard to contain the passion and drive released. Difficult fires leave pain, loss, and death in its wake, showing the magnitude of power possessed. Although, the best way to be reborn is to burn a few bridges and rise from the ashes.

Anastasia let Hagrid lead her through Diagon Alley, holding tight to his big hand as to not get separated from the large man. People preemptively moved out of their way when they saw Hagrid's stature, making it easier for the pair to maneuver through the alley. The laughter of children reached her ears before she saw them and had to jump closer to her companion, nearly missing the pack that would have barreled into her. Where are their mothers? They should have spent more time teaching their boy's manners rather than gossiping about each other and reading 'Witch Weekly', Anna thought to herself, a look of disapproval upon her scarred face. Something drew her attention to the air when she smelt something familiar, and her mouth watered. They were passing Florean Fortescue's; the smell of chocolate and strawberries was making her stomach growl. To distract herself from the urge to give into her tastebuds, she asked Hagrid," So where are we going?" " We're goin' to 'Eeyelop's Owl Emporium'. I need to get a gift for someone. " "Who's the gift for?" " 'tis a secret, Little Dragon," smiled the man. His use of the word "secret" would have bothered her, had it not been for the twinkle of mischief in his eyes or the warmth in his tone. Alright then, keep your secrets. Finally, they reached the Emporium's store front and Anna could already hear fresh voices chirping inside. With a quick push, Hagrid swung the left door open, and the pair entered. The inside was not as chaotic as the Menagerie that she was used to, but not to the extent of the noise level being a whisper or barely a person in sight. The smell of hay and pine flutter through the air, occasionally stirring up when an owl gets restless or in need to stretch their wings. "So, are you looking for anything in particular?" Anastasia asked as she looked up at the big man. "I hadn't put much thought into it. As long as it's not too big, it'll be alright." "Fair enough," chuckled the girl as she let go of his hand. The two of them split up, Anna following what sounded like a conversation to one side of the store. She walked close to the voices, but stopped just behind a shelf and listened in. "-That is rich coming from you, Margaretta. You can barely preen, let alone molt without whingeing," cackled a Barred Owl. In a polished silver cage she perched, her brown and white feathers glossing under the light. "I was merely stating, Loralai, that if you put half as much effort into your personality as you do your looks, then maybe you would already have a home," the other owl, Margaretta, calmly stated. "Well, if you put more weight on your looks instead of in your gut, then maybe you would have a home too," snarked Loralai. Before either of them could say another word, Anastasia stepped around the shelf and captured their attention. "Ladies, there is no need to bicker or be obscene," hooted the girl calmly. Both owls looked at one another, then back at her with confusion and disbelief swirling in their black eyes. A new voice spoke up from above, "You can understand us, girl?" Anastasia looked up and saw a few cages hanging above her, so she took a step back and tried to get a look. "Yes, I can. Although I wish it were not the case in some instances," she smiled, still trying to strain to look into the cage. Stop being a nitwit and use your big brain, just stand on something, cried her inner voice. Anna nearly slapped herself in the forehead for being so daft and began looking for things to stand on. Her blue orbs scanned the surroundings and evaluated every object for its usefulness. Nope, too small. Ughh, too short. Too weak. BINGO, a leather chest was tucked away under one of the shelves. Carefully, the young girl pulled it free and positioned it under the suspected cage. One foot, then the next and she was now eye level with a beautiful owl. "Finally figured it out, did you?" teased the owl, her hoot deeper than the others. The Snowy Owl looked to be nearly fully grown, with beautiful white feathers that were speckled with black. "I can be a bit daft sometimes, "confessed Anna, a blush dusting her cheeks. "It happens as no one or thing is perfect," chittered the owl with humor in her yellow eyes. "What is your name?" "I go by Tapessa. Unusual, I know." "I quite like it, it is unique and pretty," complimented Anna. "And yourself? What do you go by?" "My name is Anastasia." "Nice to meet you, Anastasia. What brings you into the Emporium?" inquired Tapeesa. The owl had shifted closer to Anna at this point, eyes dilated in interest and head tilted slightly. There was a certain calming presence about her, and it helped make the conversation flow easily. "I am here with a friend. He is looking for an owl for someone, but says it is a secret," whispered the girl. "I will not tell a soul, besides who could I tell?" "Quite right you are, "laughed the girl, her laughter bouncing off the surrounding cages. Approaching footfalls catch Annas attention, and she turns her head to the source, a smile still on her face. "Did you find one, Anna? "questioned Hagrid, his large form walking towards her. Before answering, she turned her attention to the cage in front of her and studied the owl. Tapeesa stared straight back, her head tilting just to the right, her eyes flickering in dilation and filled with hope. "Do you want this opportunity? Opportunity for a good life, freedom, and love" chittered the girl, softly. "More than anything," hooted the owl in excitement. Anna turned to Hagrid, who had just arrived at her side, and said, "Yes, I found just the one. Isn't she gorgeous?" "That there's a fine owl," admired the man, as he stuck his finger in the cage and pet the owl. "Thank you for your help, Dragon. I'm goin' to go let Mr. Cain know that I'd like to reserve her, so that I can buy 'er tomorrow," stated Hagrid, as he returned his hand to his side. "Now you best be gettin' back to your brothers. I'll show you the way," continued the man as they walked to the door. Once they made it outside, Anna caught sight of a familiar face in the distance and quickly spoke up, "It's alright, Hagrid, I know the way and can manage on my own". She put on her best convincing smile and prayed that he would take the bait. "Are ya sure? It wouldn't be any trouble at all, and it'd be best to make sure you arrive without trouble," insisted the man, worry clear on his face. "You need not worry, I'll be there in two shakes of a lamb's tail and have time to spare," claimed the girl with a smile. Please, just go with it! I need to get a move on before I lose sight of them and waste more time, begged her inner self. "Make it one and a half, but you better go straight there," conceded Hagrid. "I won't let you down. I'll go to 'Flourish and Blotts' and meet my brothers," promised Anna. I never promised when. "Alright, you best be off." "Bye, Hagrid, see you at Hogwarts," smiled the girl, as she slowly hugged him. "See you then, Dragon," he chuckled as he gave her an extra squeeze and let her go. Anastasia turned around and started, briskly, walking towards her "destination". When she got about 6 meters away, a subtle glance was thrown over her shoulder to check if the coast was clear. When she saw that Hagrid was not watching her anymore and was engaged in a conversation with a wizard, she sped in the opposite direction, towards her real destination. Anastasias black hair swinging slightly behind her as she swiveled her head around, her eyes searching every store front. Finally, she sees him in the distance and quickens her pace, a swirl of emotions taking root in her gut. Will I finally get some answers? Or will I be disappointed once again? Fear, anxiety, hope, and excitement danced dangerously in her stomach. When she came close enough, the girl slowed her pace and took a deep breath. Wouldn't want them to think I'm out of shape. Heavy breathing and a racing heart don't make for the best first impression. After her breathing returned to normal, she let her feet carry closer and stop a few feet away. "Mr. Malfoy, it is nice to see you again," smiled Anna, her voice startling him slightly. "Miss Grey, I am delighted to see you again as well," he greeted once he fully turned to face her. He wore all black attire that consisted of a chesterfield overcoat, with a silk button up shirt and slacks. "This is my wife, Narcissa, and my son, Draco," introduced the man, inclining his head at the individuals. "It is lovely to meet you, Mrs. Malfoy," greeted Anna, politely sticking out her hand. Narcissa Malfoy had blonde hair that, slightly, shined in the sun just as much as the jewelry around her neck did. A classy, olive pencil dress hung on her thin frame and complemented her nude pumps. The woman studied her for a moment before, gently, shaking her hand and replying, "Charmed, I am sure". What crawled up her arse? Once Mrs. Malfoy released her hand; Anastasia turned to the young Malfoy and went to greet him. Before she could even open her mouth, words came spilling out of his and shocked everyone. "Weren't the last of the Greys murdered?" he interrogated, a slight sneer on his face. Anastasia felt her heart clench and right eye twitch at the mention of her deceased parents. THWACK "DRACO MALFOY," hissed his father, his eyes wide. Mrs. Malfoys face remained blank, yet her eyes held disappointment and embarrassment. Draco shot his dad a dirty look and rubbed the back of his arm from where it got hit with the cane. Remembering her manners, Anastaisa stuck out her hand to the boy and tried to ignore the fact that he was a prat. When he, hesitantly, took it she and also took the opportunity to say, "Considering the fact that I am still alive, not all of my family is dead yet. I would be careful with your words; many would take greater offence and make a counter. Whereas I see it as a failure to heed history and listen to your parents, such a shame. We will fix that in due time," smiled Anastasia as politely as she could. We'll fix it alright, with a good thrashing or hex if you do it again. The children released each other's hands, but not before giving a hard squeeze in response to their conversation. "Miss Grey, we were about to go into Ollivander's if you would like to join us. Draco has yet to acquire his wand, have you?" inquired Mr. Malfoy. "I would be delighted to join you, and, yes, I have a wand. It has been passed down to me from my father and it is a handsome piece of work," smiled Anna. She could almost feel the wand calling to her from its leather confides, beckoning to be acquainted and used. A true smile spread on Mr. Malfoys face when she mentions the wand, "Ah, yes, he named it 'Naseer' for it means 'One who grants victory' and it did. Your father was an excellent dueler, he had top marks in 'Defense Against the Dark Arts'". "What of my mother? Was she good as well?" "Your mother, although Gryffindor, was very skilled and challenged Leon to be better," admitted the man, a look of nostalgia upon his pale face. An arm looping through his snapped him out of it and his attention was drawn to his wife. Mrs. Malfoy slightly inclined her head to the left and gave his wrist a small squeeze. Getting the hint, Mr. Malfoy turned to the children and announced, "Let us head to Ollivander's before it gets dark". The four of them began the short walk to the shop, the parents in the front and the kids, slightly, behind. Draco had not said a word to Anastasia since he spoke the first time, his snotty-nosed face scrunched up and eyes purposely avoiding her blue ones. The young girl rolled her eyes at his childishness but remained silent on the matter. Anna noticed that people seemed to slightly part for the Malfoys as they walked through the alley, some out of respect and others, seemingly, out of fear. Too busy observing the people around her, she barely had time to register a painting edge coming towards her and was, nearly ,decapitated by some careless vendor. The fine oak came mere centimeters from her face before she was snatched away and pulled to the side of an annoyed Draco Malfoy. "Are you always this daft? or do you simply not know how to watch where you are going?" hissed the boy. " I am NOT daft, just got a bit distracted is all," defended Anna, her eyes narrowed and sharp. "Maybe not. Shall we turn a blind eye to this and continue on?" he taunted with a smug smile. He did not just go there! Remain calm. Deep breath. Act here and it will cost you, no one likes a scene. Taking a breath, Anastasia smiled and said, "Lead on". Draco seemed surprised and maybe a tad disappointed at the fact that she did not lash out at his jab. Patience, Malfoy, I believe in comeuppance and yours is pending, her smile spread slightly at the thought. The two children quickly hurried to catch up with Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, a race seeming to sprout as to who would reach them first. Unfortunately, there was a tie, and an impatient Mr. Malfoy awaited them. "What took so long?" he questioned his son, tone filled with authority. "One of the daft vendors got in our path, Father," muttered Draco. Mr. Malfoy studied his son before turning to Anna and saying, "I have just been called back to the Ministry, so we shall be parting ways once again. Feel free to continue on with my family, Miss Grey". He then tipped his head to her and strode off, his cane clinking in rhythm. "Come along now," Mrs. Malfoy said, head held high and tone even. "Are you sure, Mrs. Malfoy? I would not want to impose," questioned the girl as she tried to keep pace with the tall women. "My husband already invited you; so it would be discourteous to dismiss you now". A store front ahead caught the girl's attention, and she knew from previous visits to the alley, that it was Ollivander's. The letters on the front were slightly worn, but the symbol is what always caught her eye and kept it. Before going in, the older woman stopped and looked at the children. "I have another brief matter to attend to nearby, so stay inside until I come get you. Do I make myself clear?" she questioned her son. Although he rolled his eyes, Draco nodded and relented, "Yes, mother, I understand". The woman glanced at Anna for a moment but did not say a word and left. "Of course: I got stuck with you," muttered the blonde boy. "Be careful, Malfoy, wand malfunctions are known to happen in Olivander's, and we would not want one to occur, do we?" questioned Anna, her feet now carrying her to the door. "Was that a threat?" "No, it was merely a reminder of how fickle wands can be," cheekily smiled the witch over her shoulder. Her hand rested on the knob for a moment, thoughts rushing around and flurrying loudly. Will Mr. Olivander be able to tell me more about my wand? Will it give me more pieces to the puzzle? Or will it only leave more questions that need to be answered?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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