Twins and Enemies

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Jack and Madelyn stand on either side of the bedroom door, a door that is now open. Looking at one another, Madelyn has a solemn look, and Jack, one of determination. He had come to clear some air between them. "Let's talk..." Madelyn says.

"You want to be the heir. Though I've known that for a long time, why has it taken you so long to act?" Jack asks, "You said you were done waiting a year ago."

"So what? There were no good opportunities. None until you suddenly vanished." Madelyn says, "And the very day I ask, not only does father dismiss me out of turn, but you show up. What are the chances of that? It feels predetermined."

"Father even seemed mad when telling me about it." Jack says, "Madelyn... I didn't make the decision to be heir. That's just who I am. And maybe father did choose me because I'm an Angel. But it doesn't change the fact that it's not within our power." He says, looking at the floor.

"Hmph. Well if that is all, I will be seeing you." She grabs her door to close it, but Jack catches it.

"Wait!" Jack yells, "Just a bit more." He says as Madelyn opens the door wide again.

"Go on." Madelyn says, with her arm against the door frame.

"I... I don't want to be your enemy. We're twins. We should be close, and care for one another." Jack says, "And frankly..." He adds, "I never wanted to be king. Let's be real, I would probably be a shoddy king. If I could relinquish my position and hand it to you, I would. But you know father makes that decision, and he won't listen. Maybe once I become king... Maybe then I would have the authority to give the position."

"..." Madelyn stands there for a bit. Her eyes dart around some, but not a sound escapes her lips. "I..." She pauses, "I need some time to think." She says, "Just give me that. I'll think about what you said."

"...Okay." Jack says, "That will work. I just want to be close with you. Just like the days when we were kids and played games in the castle together." He says, "I miss those days." He smiles, "Take your time to think about it. That's enough for me." And with that, Madelyn closes the door. As she does, she slides down her door and sits at her door. Her eyes begin to water, and tears start streaming down her face. She cries, burying her face into her knees.

"What's wrong with me?" She asks herself. "Why am I feeling this way?" As she sits there, her bare feet rest in the soft carpet flooring. Meanwhile, outside, Jack is still standing there. He can hear her crying inside.

"Madelyn..." Jack says under his breath. Suddenly something comes to him. "Right!" Jack takes off, running down the hall. "I left Ethan and Jessica alone!" He runs by the decorations, as well as several doors and servants. He makes it back to the entranceway, where the two are still standing. He stops as he reaches them, winded. "Gasp! Y-You guys waited here?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah. Of course we did. We don't know the place, so why would we go anywhere?" Jessica asks, looking at him. "Why are you so winded?"

"I... Gasp! I... Ran back here... Phew!" Jack stretches.

"So, Jack. Are we sleeping on the streets or what?" Ethan asks.

"Oh!" Jack exclaims, "Actually, I asked my father about it. He said that you guys can stay here. Though there is only one guest room. Apparently there's some foreign diplomats here or something." He says. He holds his finger up. "So either you two can share, or one will have to sleep with me. Ah!" Jack realizes what he said, "I meant that one of you would have to sleep in my bedroom with me! On different things, in the same room!" Ethan and Jessica laugh.

"Hahaha!" Ethan laughs, "Don't worry, we get it."

"Uh... Ahem! Let me show you guys around... Ehehe." Jack laughs, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. He points up to the throne room. "That's the throne room. Where you'll find my father most of the time." He says, "Let me... Show you guys where you'll be sleeping." The three of them walk down the hall, back to where the bedrooms are. Eventually they reach Jack's bedroom. He opens the door. Ethan and Jessica look like they're seeing greatness. "This is my bedroom." Jack says.

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