Ruination Redux

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Jack and the others sit in the cafeteria. As everyone in the group finishes eating, Jack hears someone say something about the multiverse. Jack tries to brush it off. "Someone else heard about that?" Jack asks himself. He then stands. "Hey, guys!" Jack says, all of the potential scenarios playing in his mind. Everyone in the group looks at him. "Since we're all done eating, how about we go shopping?" He says nervously.

"Shopping?" Severin asks, "Really?"

"Yeah! I-I mean, I've got my allowance for the first time I got back after the tournament. So I'm kinda itching to go shopping." Jack says, putting his arms to the side.

"I'm down." Ethan says, "Not much to do here anyways."

"Great!" Jack exclaims, "So let's go!"

"Sigh... I've nothing to do anyways." Severin says as he stands. Jessica also stands. As they begin to walk out, they are stopped by Madelyn.

"Jack..." Madelyn says, "Can I come too? This place is boring."

"Uh." Jack turns to face her. "I guess." He says. The five continue walking. They make it to the exit, and leave the castle. Walking down the bridge, they pass by some guards. Eventually they reach the end of the bridge, when Severin notices a strange feeling behind them. He turns to see a dark looking figure walking behind them. Ruin.

"This aura..." Severin says to himself. "It's the same as..." Before Severin can finish his thought, Ruin throws his blade. It heads right towards Jack. "Move!" Severin knocks Jack out of the way as the blade whizzes by everyone, then retracts back to Ruin's sleeve.

"What the?!" Madelyn exclaims. It startles everyone. They all turn, looking towards Ruin.

"It's him..." Ethan says as he backs up.

"Dammit... Should've guessed he'd show up." Jack says as he raises up and then stands.

"Is this that 'Ruin' guy you told me about?" Severin asks, looking back at Jack.

"Yep. That's him." Jack says, summons his armor and sword. Severin summons his armor and weapon as well.

"Jack, we could escape." Jessica says.

"No." Jack says, "We have the number advantage. We need to stop him here if we don't want him to be tailing us all our lives." Jack readies to fight, taking a stance.

"What's going on here?!" Madelyn asks loudly.

"That guy's trying to kill us." Jack says, "And by us, I mean me, Ethan, and maybe Jessica. We'll explain later." He says. Ruin then throws his blade, and Jack gets in front, blocking it with his shield. The shield rings as the blade makes contact. Severin then charges ahead while the blade retracts. He hits Ruin with his hammer. This knocks Ruin to the edge of the bridge. Guards approach, seeing the fight taking place.

"Stay back!" Severin says, "This guy isn't from here... You'll get killed."

"This is troublesome." Ruin says as he looks around, seeing the opposition he's come up against.

"You guys should go." Jack turns and says to the other three.

"I won't leave you!" Ethan says.

"Please." Jack looks at Ethan. He is scared of losing them. "Severin and I will handle him." He looks back at Ruin.

"Alright then." Ethan begrudgingly says, "C'mon guys." Ethan and Jessica run down to a cart and hide behind it. Madelyn stands there, looking at Jack.

"Jack." Madelyn says, "You better explain everything later!" Madelyn says before she runs off to join the others.

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