Let me sleep

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It's 8:45 in the morning, you were sleeping peacefully on a Saturday morning. You thought about having a lie in, sleeping in til 12, it would be pure bliss til you were woken up abruptly by a someone calling your name, disturbing you in a deep sleep as you dreamt about having a thst lie in.



You turn over on your side, pulling up the covers on your face to block out the sunlight before trying to fall back asleep. Ignoring the person saying your name but as they say no rest for the wicked because as seconds later, your name was being called again.

"Y/n" Wednesday calls out to you, "get up cara Mia"

You can hear her sighing then rolling her eyes at you.

You groan sleepily before replying with a "no" in a raspy tone.

Wednesday rolls her eyes a second time before saying "don't make me pull off the covers y/n"

You let out a frustrated sigh "but I don't want to get up, it's a Saturday babe" you mumble back

"I don't care, get up" she says in her usual tone as she crosses her arms

"Noooo" you groan out in frustration before holding onto the covers, making Wednesday didn't take the covers from you. "Why do you want me to get up anyways? It's not like we have any plans weds" you question her, still hold the covers close to you, not letting them go before rolling over to face your girlfriend of 1 year.

"Get up" she says to you, getting impatient with every passing second. You open your eyes slowly, blinking a few times to get used to the light before looking at Wednesday.

"I'm too tired for this, just leave me alone to sleep" you say tiredly

She shakes her head at you "no chance y/n, I want you up and dressed in 5 minutes or I'm going on this date all by myself"

You open one eye before asking "what date?" You weren't aware of any plans of a date today, certainly not at this time in the morning.

"The date I planned to have with you, it was meant to be a surprise" she said sitting down at her desk.

"How was I suppose to know that? Why don't you just lead with that next time for fuck sake" you said with a sigh as you throw the covers off your body before sliding out of bed and walking over to Wednesday.

You wrap your arms slowly around her neck as you rest your chin on her right shoulder.

"I'm sorry, we can still go if you want, I do want to have a date with you but I just thought you were trying to get me up for no reason" you said softly before kissing her cheek gently.

Wednesday smirked before saying "oh I did get you up for no reason, I just wanted to get my revenge on you as you disturbed me from my cello playing yesterday"

"Are you being serious?" You said pulling away from her, trying not to get furious at her.

"this bitch" you mutter underneath your breath, making sure she doesn't hear you.


Overthinker part 2 is coming!! I promise, just been super busy with work lately, thank you for sticking around and reading this, I really appreciate your support.

if you wanna support me then don't forget to leave a like and a comment <3

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