1) - can i go 1 book w/o talking about g way

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Calum Hood.

Who is he? Calum is a fifteen year old Tumblr addict, and really fucking queer.

There isn't actually much out queer kids at his school, there's a GSA and a few trans or gay kids but really, not many of them. Calum's never actually went to his school's GSA, not many people actually knew he was queer. He didn't feel the need to 'come out', maybe if people just didn't assume that he's cishet; he wouldn't need to, so he won't and if someone happens to ask, he won't have a problem saying.

Calum doesn't have a lot of hobbies; he's kind of addicted to Tumblr, art and poetry. That's really it.

He's not bothered by the fact that he doesn't get up to much - doesn't go to parties, do things that the average fifteen year old boy would do. And he's not bothered by the fact that he essentially has a total of one friend, he actually reckons that's an achievement.

I mean, sure, there's a few people on Tumblr that he's occasionally talked to about Gerard Way and what a wonderful man he was; but he didn't count them as 'friends', more people he talks to on occasion about that man and his aesthetically pleasing face.

But he's a nearly friendless, fifteen year old, queer Tumblr boy with a not very substantial social life.


"Michael, you fucking meme." Luke shouted as Michael crossed the finishing line on the third round of Mario Kart.

"Suck my dick!" Michael shouted. "I won, bitch!"

Wonderful friendship, they have.

Luke Hemmings is sixteen, and he wasn't exactly 'popular' but he did have a lot of friends, Michael being the closet of them all as they had been friends forever, really.

For a guy who went to a lot of parties and smoked a lot of cigarettes and had a lot of friends, he sure played Mario Kart a lot more than the average human being.

And he really sucked at Mario Kart.

He's kind of an average sixteen year old boy, apart from the Mario Kart obsession and lack of a girlfriend.

He didn't care that he didn't have a girlfriend, he'd much rather eat pizza and play Mario Kart with Michael, but everyone else seemed to care. They were actually theories that he has a 'secret girlfriend' or the more popular 'he's a player'. Neither, in fact, are true.

"You know, if any of us were a meme, it's be you." Michael said, completely serious.


It's 3am and this just kind of happened, and I'm not sure whether I'm continuing it or not depending on if anyone actually likes this trash.


Tumblr Boy || Cake (Calum/Luke)Where stories live. Discover now