Teach me to kill you

13 4 2

Written on-19 February 2023
Published on- 21 February 2023

Drowning in the hatred I hold for you,
For it is the only fuel for my will to live.
Forge me into a devil like you.
I want to kill you. I want to live.

On the earth of dazzling bloodshed,
Wield me a weapon lethal enough to kill you.
Stitch me a mask of stone from bones of the dead.
Lend me your breath of disease and psychotic brew.

Blood is a pinch of sea salt cheaply sold.
For someone like you and me.
A nurse like me and a murderer like you hold,
The same sadistic lunacy vast as the largest tree.

Promise me to teach me to kill you and sell.
And if i fail, my blood shall be yours.
Vermillion heaven, welcoming hell.
Flaming hues and no cures.

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19 Feb
I came across this psychotic webtoon titled "The double agent". It's really famous.
I am at the very beginning. I want to know how the rest of the story goes yet I dont.
And this poem is thus inspired from the same.

21 Feb
I am currently midday through the strory. And its good but preety generic.
"Stockholm syndrome" type thing.

And thus it didn't meet my expectations of being a dark story....TT

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