He finally see light on the other side

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Chapter 9:The Big Breakthrough

Troy had been working relentlessly towards his dream of becoming successful, and all of his efforts finally paid off. He landed a significant contract with a prominent local business that would skyrocket his income and further his business. Troy was ecstatic; he felt that he was finally making a breakthrough. It was as if all of his hard work had led up to this one moment.

Troy's days had been filled with meetings, phone calls, and presentations, all to make this deal a reality. He had put everything he had into it, and it had finally paid off. His excitement was contagious, and he couldn't wait to tell his parents and Logan about his success.

He felt like a different person, almost like he was on top of the world. He walked with a newfound confidence, a sense of pride and accomplishment that he had never felt before. His previous doubts and insecurities had been replaced by hope and optimism, and he knew that his success was only going to grow from here.

Troy's parents were surprised by the news. They had seen how hard their son had been working and were proud of his efforts. However, they had not expected him to land such a significant contract so soon. They hugged him tightly, and Karan couldn't stop beaming with pride. Joe looked at Troy with admiration, realizing that he had underestimated his son's abilities.

Troy's success had earned him respect and admiration from his friends and family, but it also silenced those who had doubted him. The community had been skeptical of his unconventional methods and had questioned his motives. But with this breakthrough, Troy had proven them all wrong.

He knew that he still had a long way to go, but he was confident that he was on the right path. This success only motivated him more to pursue his dreams and reach for the stars. Troy was grateful for this opportunity, and he knew that he would never forget this moment.

Chapter 10:The Rich People Party

Troy had never seen anything like it. The mansion was enormous, and the garden looked like it went on forever. The party was in full swing when he arrived, and the sound of music and laughter could be heard from the entrance. He felt a little out of place in his usual jeans and t-shirt, but he was determined to enjoy the night and make some new connections.

As he made his way into the garden, he saw people sipping on cocktails and chatting by the pool. Some were dressed in suits and dresses, while others were wearing more casual attire. Troy couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated by the wealth and glamour surrounding him, but he didn't want to show it.

Suddenly, a woman approached him, introducing herself as the host's assistant. She led him to a group of people who were standing by the bar and introduced him to them. They were all successful entrepreneurs and business owners, and Troy was thrilled to have the opportunity to talk to them.

The night passed by in a blur, and Troy found himself having the time of his life. He talked to different people and made new contacts, exchanging business cards with those who showed an interest in his businesses. He couldn't help but feel a little envious of the lifestyle he was seeing around him, but he was also more determined than ever to achieve that kind of success for himself.

As the night came to an end, Troy made his way back to his car, feeling exhilarated and inspired. He knew that he had just experienced something that would change his life forever. He couldn't wait to get home and start planning his next moves, feeling confident that he was on the right path to achieving his dreams of wealth and success.

Chapter 11:The Rift with Logan

Troy had always thought of Logan as a true friend. They had bonded over their shared aspirations and worked together to achieve their goals. But as Troy's success grew, so did the distance between them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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