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Zyra and I haven't talked in 3 days. I guess it's because of the Felix thing. But i'm planning to stop the awkwardness by taking her out to dinner tomorrow at the restaurant Cova in Festival Walk, a place that we both live near to and are familiar with.

Me : Hey how are you doing ?
Zyra 🖤 : I'm good, you ?
Me : I'm fine. So i've been meaning to take you out to a restaurant in festival walk tomorrow night ? Is that fine by you ?
Zyra 🖤 : Sure, what time ?
Me : Is 8:30 ok ?
Zyra 🖤: Yeah, which restaurant ?
Me : Cova. It's on the second floor.
Zyra 🖤 : Oh I've been there a few times before.
Me : So, 8:30 tmr ?
Zyra 🖤 : Ok. Meet you there.

I closed the messaging app and left for the shower.

No tables were available before 8:30 and 5 was too early, so i just booked the first option. We arrived two minutes before the other in front of the restaurant.
She showed up in a Burberry fitted dress and a black trench-coat, while i wore my usual look- a Dominican Baseball shirt and sweats. I dressed down for once since it's not our first date and well, you could say i'm a lazy person and do not put much effort into looking good. Besides, we've facetimed a thousand times before, she surely wouldn't mind a little downgrade.
She ordered a Carbonara and I had lasagna. We talked about topics we haven't before, and surprisingly she wasn't distant or timid. I guess I was just overthinking the entire time.

By the time we finished, it was already 10:30 with the long waits and stuff. My parents were in Sydney and only my housemaid was left at home. I didn't want to go home anyway...
"Wow, it's late" She said as she adjusted the position of her wristwatch, "your house is quite far away right ?"
"Yeah. But it's fine it's only 45 minutes back"
"But that'll be so late, do you wanna stay a night at mine ?"
"Um..." She wants ME ? to stay at her house tonight ? Am i living in a dream or something ? An instagram model with one of the most famous idols in the world as her ex, inviting a nobody wannabe hair model to her house ?
"Of course" I replied.
"Ok." Her voice was so sweet, like an angel from heaven.
I followed her to the corner of a street where a closed ice cream shop stood. Then a black limousine showed up, quite hard to see as it was camouflaged with the mist of the midnight sky.
I took the initiative to open the door for her, and she got in with me. Then she slammed the door shut and told the driver to head home.
Her penthouse was only a few minutes away. It's exterior was simple but eye catching. It's base colour was black marble and the living room of the house was see through. It's glass was thick enough to prevent any violent break ins, not to mention the amount of security guarding it.
I slowly got out of the car and walked towards the front door. A guard name Daniel apparently, opened the door for us. When we reached the inside of the house, Zyra immediately pushed a button near the grand piano and the black velvet curtains fell down. Then, the lights on the chandelier were turned on and she led me to the dining room.
"Ok so, this is the dining area and if you need anything to eat or drink, you can always ask Emma here to get you what you need. She's the chef." Then we went upstairs, leaving me in admiration of the beautifully decorated interior.
"This is the guest bedroom" she walked past a few doors and pointed to a white painted door with the words 'guest' written on a piece of laminated paper on it. "It's where you'll be staying for the night."
"My bedroom's quite far from the guest room so if you need me you can ask Bobby, the butler."
"Ok got it" I nodded.
"So here's my bedroom." we went past a few corridors and junctions and plenty of doors until we reached it. Inside her bedroom, there was a king sized bed and what it looks like egyptian cotton sheets, which looks similar to mine. I remember my mom spending tons on it to make my room look 'chic' but it turns out the exact opposite because expensive furniture can't change your messy nature.
A couple of red and gold pillows were there as extras, which's she threw away to a bench nearby.
"Ok so that's it. I'm gonna take you to the guest bedroom now."

The guest bedroom was half the size of Zyra's room. But the bed was still larger than mine at home. A hand sized card with the word 'Welcome' stood on the bed. There was a couch next to the personal television, where i put my backpack on. The bedroom also comes with a personal bathroom, where i brushed my teeth before falling into deep slumber.

I woke up in sweat from a nightmare about getting a hundred in my med exam and being awarded with the 'best scored' award which led me to the perfect medical future in a perfect hospital- where my hair model dreams were crushed. When i checked the time, it was only 7:26 a.m. I wonder if Zyra has woken up yet. Since it was a saturday, she'd probably sleep in for another couple of hours.
So i went down for breakfast

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