chapter 9

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Mal is walking to YN dorm to have a talk with him she was a little nervous since YN is the son of Alex Mercer the man who caused the virus outbreak in Auradon 20 years ago she saw the door of YN dorm was already opened she slowly walked inside as a glass bottle was scattered at the wall next to her YN turned around as he sees Mal

YN: I could have killed you

Mal: that was a terrible throw

YN growls as he grabbed a another bottle of vodka and started chugging out like nothing as Mal saw multiple empty vodka bottles

Mal: YN how much did you drink

YN: since I've entered here after I killed those Blackwatch soldiers

YN goes to drink more vodka but Mal took the bottle away from him

Mal: I think you bad enough

YN: Mal I'm a prototype I can't drunk

Mal: why didn't you tell me about you that you're Alex Mercer son

YN: you think I was gonna be like hello I'm YN Mercer the son of Alex Mercer the man who caused the virus outbreak

Mal: why did those soldiers attack

YN: because they were after me Mal

Mal: oh

YN: Mal you should know about the truth about the outbreak

Mal: what

YN: Mal that wasn't no virus outbreak it was a Bioweapons test designed by Gentek control by black watch blamed on my father

Mal: blamed

YN: yeah Blackwatch and Gentek are the ones who caused that outbreak since they created

Mal: what they created the virus

YN: yeah they created the Blacklight virus and they put the blame on my father

YN signs

YN: listen Mal I'm sorry of lying to you I don't know what would happened if Auradon that someone from New York Zero in Auradon

Mal: New York Zero

YN: yeah New York Zero the place i was born and raised it a place you don't want to at New York was once a beautiful city but until the outbreak the military try their best to save it but they had no choice to complete abandon the city now it's completely cut off from Auradon no one can enter the city and no one can leave the city the city is full of infected

Mal: that's horrible that's way worse than the isle

YN: you were lucky that you were born in on the isle because all you got to deal with growing up we're just gang activities as I was dealing with infected growing up

Mal: I guess we have something in common

YN: yeah we do

Mal: YN are you still going to the coronation

YN: I don't know now that all of Auradon knows who I really am pretty sure no more wants to see me but if you go I'll go

Mal: thanks I should go

YN: see you later

Mal leaves YN dorm she goes back to her dorm and lay down on her bed thinking about YN she was actually in love with him and she wants to make her mother be proud of her which side will she choose be good to be YN or be evil to make her mother proud

To be continue

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