Juke - Destiny

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Soulmates AU

(A/N - Reggie and Julie are siblings)

Julie's POV

I'm turning sixteen tomorrow and it's really important. On your sixteenth birthday, you wake up and you're going to have a permanent mark on your arm and apparently you have your soulmate have the exact same mark. I can't wait but I'm also kind of scared. 

Luke's POV

I turned sixteen 5 months ago and I never found my soulmate. My mark is a guitar and a microphone that cross in an X shape. Who else could have that mark? I mean I know the guitar represents me who the microphone? None of the guys in the band have a microphone on their mark and Julie hasn't even gotten her mark yet. But it's not like I want it to be her. 

Next Day

Julie's POV

I wake up and the sun is shining through my window. I wipe my eyes and look at my wrist. It has a guitar and a microphone that cross in an X shape. Who could have this mark? Huh. Oh well. I get up out of my bed and I go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Once I finish I walk downstairs to go get a bowl of cereal but I'm stopped by my father already cooking breakfast. He's the literal best.  

"Happy Birthday sweetheart." my father says as he walks over to me and kisses me on top of my head. 

"Thanks, papi." I says and give him a hug.

"Happy Birthday Julie!" Reggie and Carlos yell as they run down the stairs. 

"You're finally sixteen!" Reggie says as he squeezes me in a hug. "OH MY GOD! Lemme see your mark!" He pulls my right wrist in his direction and once he registers what's on my wrist his drops and he lets out a gasp. 

"What?" I ask curiously. Why did he give that reaction?

"Um- nothing. I'm just gonna- I will be right back actually." He stutters as he makes his way out of the room awkwardly. What the hell is going on with him. Why is he acting like that? Oh well. I continue eating my breakfast so I can hurry up and get dressed for the day. 

Reggie's POV

Well I did not see THIS one coming! Julie and Luke were fucking soulmates! Well it makes sense but they don't really talk a lot. I mean when they do it's all good vibes but they haven't even interacted with each other to even be considered SOULMATES! I immediately grabbed my phone and called Luke. 

"LUKE LUKE LUKE!" I yelled into the phone as soon as he answered.

"Woah woah, slow down buddy. What's going on?" He asked, concerned.

"You will never guess what I just found out."

"And what did you find out?" He asks, skeptically. 

"So you know Julie turned sixteen today, right?"

"Yeah, so...?" 

"I got a look at her wrist and it was a guitar and a microphone in the shape on an X! As soon I as I saw it I remembered you showing me and Alex your mark and you never found you soulmate! Bro, Julie could be your soulmate!" I exclaim into the phone excitedly.

"Are you serious? I mean, are you sure that hers looks just like mine?" He asks with a shaky voice.

"Meet here in about an hour so we can finish breakfast and we're going to see."

"Yea, ok dude." He hangs the phone up.

Luke's POV

What the fuck?! Julie could possibly be my fucking soulmate! I mean we don't talk a lot but Julie is so sweet, has an amazing voice, and she's fucking beautiful. I kind of makes sense now that I think about it. I should've known what the microphone meant as soon as I woke up on my birthday that morning. I have to be over Reggie's in an hour so I should probably start getting dressed. This could be huge for me and Julie. I run to my room and open my closet trying to find something to wear. I end up picking out my white tee with my black jeans with the key chain and my vans. I run to my bathroom to brush my teeth and grab a quick shower. After my shower I wash my face and put my clothes on. I threw my black beanie on and I went to the kitchen to eat breakfast and my mother is in there washing pots and pans. 

"Why're you in such a hurry?" She asks me with a raised eyebrow.

"Um Reggie called this morning. Julie got her mark." I tell her hoping she would get what I'm saying.

"What does that have to do with you?" She didn't. 

"Reggie has seen my mark before. He thinks we might have the same one?" I tell her slowly.

"You think she's your soulmate?" She asks as I grab my bowl and the box of cereal. I pour my cereal and milk and start eating.

"Yes, actually. I mean, it kind of makes sense, Mom. We both live through music. And even though we don't talk much, I've always cared for her. And I've never not notice how beautiful she was." I rant and I realized I want ranting so I just closed my mouth blushing. My mother begins to smirk at me.

"Seems like you like this Julie, eh?" She says smiling.

"Maybe a little. It's just been a tiny crush from the few times we've interacted."

"Whatever you say, Luke." She chuckles. I drop my empty bowl in the sink and walk over to where she's standing.

"Okayyy. I'm gonna head over there now. See you later, Mom." I kiss her cheek and walk out of the door. I start walking down the street because they only live like 5 minutes away. When I get to their porch I knock on the door and Julie answers the door. Oh boy, here we go. 

Julie's POV

I hear a knock at the door and I looked up to see my father washing the dishes so I got up to answer it. I open the door and Luke is standing outside. Why is he here?

"Hey uh- happy birthday, Julie." He says as he brings a hand up to the back of his neck. A habit he did whenever he seemed nervous. Don't ask me how I know that. 

"Thanks," I say confused, "Are you here for Reggie?" I ask him.

"Actuallyyyy! He's here for you, Jules!" Reggie appears behind me.

"Oh? Why?" I ask confused.

"Luke. Come inside please." Reggie pulls Luke inside of the door and drags me and Luke upstairs to my room. "So, Julie. You know that Luke hasn't found his soulmate yet. You also just got your mark today."

"Yes..." I say skeptically. 

"When I saw your wrist your mark looked very identical to the one on Luke's wrist and he's just over here to see if they're the same. No biggie!" He says clapping his hands together smiling. I look over to Luke at he let out a nervous chuckle and went to scratch the back of his neck again. 

"Well I guess we should see then." I say and I hold my wrist out in Luke's direction and his face looks up at me surprised. 

"Shit." I heard him say under his breath. He shows me his wrist and our marks are exactly the same. I intake a sharp breath and I look up at Luke and he's staring right back at me. 

"I'm gonna go." Reggie says as he slowly walks out of the room.

"It makes sense." I tell Luke. "I mean we both love music and out personalities are very similar." I speak up.

"Yea it does. I've always though you were beautiful, funny, smart, and so full of life. I've always noticed you, Julie." He tells me. "And even though we don't talk a lot I think we kinda need to now." He laughs.

"Yea we do, Soulmate." I laugh and bump my shoulder against his. He stands up and I stand too and he holds his hands out. I step into his arms and we stand in the middle of my room hugging until he pulls back. 

"Well soulmate, would you be up to going on a date with me?" He asks with a bright smile. 

"I'd love too." I kiss his cheek and pull him in for another long hug. 

The End !!
(Part 2???)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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