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"Why do you ask these questions, knowing they'll never be answered?"


     Ahsoka awoke in a sort of medical cot. She rubbed her eyes, blinking in the harsh, bright light. Where was she again? Ashoka frowned, looking around the small room she had been stuck in. It was incredibly clean, with pristine metal surfaces. In front of her stood a heavy-duty metal door. Had Maul swooped after her battle and stuck her in a hospital? Then Ahsoka became aware of the cold feeling of metal on her wrists and ankles, and the realization struck her. She had been taken prisoner.

     Where were her lightsabers, her comm? Ahsoka felt around for the items, but as she expected, they weren't there. She tugged at her chains; nothing budged. In a second act of desperation she attempted to throw her body against the metal door. Ahsoka collapsed to the floor, only succeeding in bruising her side. With a groan, she crawled back to her cot, allowing herself to rest for the time being.


     The Jedi Council sat in a tense silence. Even though the Council was full of some of the wisest and most powerful members of the Republic, not one could find the courage to speak. Well, ten members. The seat usually filled by Obi-Wan Kenobi sat empty, and Master Yoda was still on a mission in deep space.

     "Without a testimony from Anakin Skywalker, it will be impossible to form an effective course of action." Nine pairs of eyes flicked towards Mace Windu, who had broken the silence. "-once he has finished recovering from his fight, I suggest we wait to take any votes."

     "I second that." This time, it was Aayla Secura who spoke up. "Though, someone could attempt to extract information from our prisoner in the time being."

    Plo Koon quickly stood, speaking with his usual rasp. "I will volunteer to interrogate our prisoner."

     "While you are one of the worthiest on this council, I'm afraid your.... bias in this matter might cause you to be too easy going in an interrogation." Mace Windu stated, not sounding particularly sorry. Defeated, Plo Koon sat back down.

     Mace continued. "Skywalker has the most expertise in dealing with Sith at the moment. I have received a message stating that he should be up and running as early as tomorrow morning. I say we reconvene as soon as he's healed."

     Several mutters of affirmation sounded from the room.

     "Council dismissed."


     Anakin flexed his newly-fitted prosthetic hand, getting a feel for the contraption. Under normal circumstances, Obi-Wan or Rex would have come to visit him as he healed. He hadn't even had time to sneak in a visit with Padmé, whether in person or by holo call.

     Obi-Wan was gone. The realization hit him again like a speeding ship. Not dead, but gone nonetheless. The fact that Maul hadn't killed him had to mean something, had to mean that he had some plan for the Jedi. Though, the thought of Obi-Wan being tortured or used as a pawn in some grand scheme didn't comfort him, either.

    "Patient Skywalker!" The automated voice of the medical droid who had been caring for Anakin sounded from the corner of the room. "Your vitals are steady and your new hand is functioning smoothly. You are free to go!"

      Anakin breathed a sigh of relief, standing from his cot. He still had some significant soreness in his chest and side, but for someone who had three broken ribs a little over a day ago, he would take what he could get. With a curt nod of thanks towards the droid, he exited the medical bay.


     Rex tried to track down Anakin the second he heard he had been released from medical care. Though, the council got to him first. As the meeting progressed, Rex waited outside. After a little under an hour, Anakin exited the Council Chambers, obviously distressed. Though in seeing Rex, his expression lightened, even if by the smallest bit.

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