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3.Orion Hunters

"In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight....."

You have heard the guy raised by gorillas You have heard of the guy raised by wolves.But have you heard of the guy raised by lions?

That was Leo.A pride of lions found him in their land and decided to raise him instead of eat him.

Why?Who knows?!Perhaps they were a crazy group.Or perhaps they sensed something great in him.Well their decision was rewarded because Leo grew up to be the King of the Jungle (technically Savannah but who cares).
He protected the wildlands from beasts, hunters and urbanizers.

Well that put him in conflict with Saggatrius the huntress.

The deal was Sag's parents were killed by wild animals.

Thus she swore to avenge them by killing every wild animal in the world.

Just kidding.She wasn't that type of character.Not like Scorpio either.He didn't seek revenge b/c he was lazy and didn't care anyway.She didn't b/c she was logical.

You can't blame an animal for doing what animals do.Humans kill animals all the time.Besides punishing an entire species b/c of one members fault was also illogical.

So why did she hunt.
The answer is simple.

She was an orphan without a job and the only thing her hunter parents thought her how to do was hunt.She wasn't one to dwell in the past either she kept moving forward.She needed food to survive,money to get food and job to get money.It was as simple as that.

The more dangerous the animal the greater the money for it's body.

She never had any formal education but was very intelligent.She developed her wits,skills and arrows till they were the sharpest in the land.

She entered the Savannah lands for prey and the ultimate huntress met the ultimate predator and king of the jungle.

When these two inevitably clashed disaster struck.Leo's elemental powers awakened and the Savannah almost burned.Since this would have been bad for both of them they put their differences aside and extinguished the flames.

Sag sees the potential in Leo's powers and offers him a deal.If he helped her she would use her connections as a huntress to make sure hunters don't hunt around his territory.

He naturally isn't suspicious of people so he agrees.

Her plan was to use his powers to win the Zenith Tournament and that grand title of 'Zenith' would allow her to raise her price for her jobs.Even if he wins she could use him to promote herself.

She still needed another member for her team so they travel to the Twin Tower District.

There they met Gemini.

Gemini's origins were perhaps the oddest.

It started hundreds of years ago with a powerful being only known as
"The One"

This entity then separated into thousands of clones of himself.


Ok I'll be honest with you I have no idea.Because it sounds cool?

Or probably b/c he wanted to be an omnipresent force of good in the world.
After all he had sent his clones into the world with the orders of helping others and making the world a better place.

That was the origin of the clones.They were more like androids than humans.
They were found in various places in the world.

They defended cities,built infrastructures and helped in the eveyday life of people.

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