Chapter 11:Framed

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-3rd POV-

Once again the (L/N) family, Charmcaster included, were staying at a hotel San Francisco, which had recently been seeing some...unique activity.

Sightings of Ben's Alien transformations robbing banks, attacking people, and reeking havoc on the population had been frequently happening.

Now, there was two small details that clued the group into two possibilities.

The first detail was that the Tennysons wouldn't be staying in one place for too long, and these sightings and reports have been happening for longer then that.

And the most important detail, was none of the Aliens spotted had the Omnitrix dial, meaning it wasn't Ben responsible for the attacks, but a group of his Alien transformers species that were the ones responsible.

With the only one of the group that could fight Ben's Aliens and win, even if they weren't Ben himself, being (Y/N), he was currently transformed into one of his flying Aliens. Which just so happened to be the Lepidopterran Albedo had forcefully turned him into before leaving Earth.

Now, (Y/N) quickly figured out that his Lepidopterran form, which he named Stink-Wasp, was probably the weakest and slowest of his flying Aliens

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Now, (Y/N) quickly figured out that his Lepidopterran form, which he named Stink-Wasp, was probably the weakest and slowest of his flying Aliens.

So why did he choose this form over the others? Because he wanted to try out the Ultimate version of Shutter-Fly in a real fight.

And as (Y/N) was flying around, he noticed a Tetramand identical to Four Arms, only they didn't have the Omnitrix dial on their shoulder, burst out of a store on the street below.

While everyone nearby panicked and began running away, (Y/N) smiled and immediately flew towards the Tetramand, pressing the Ultimatrix dial on his head and activating the Ultimatrix's Evolution Function.

As a wave of red energy quickly passed over (Y/N)'s body, he morphed into an Evolved Lepidopterran in an instant, gaining the Tetramand's attention.

As a wave of red energy quickly passed over (Y/N)'s body, he morphed into an Evolved Lepidopterran in an instant, gaining the Tetramand's attention

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"(Y/N):Ultimate Stink-Wasp!"

Before the Tetramand could react, (Y/N) shot a massive stream of slime out of his mouth, which hit the Tetramand and stuck to them.

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