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nova - a star showing a sudden large increase in brightness and then slowly returning to its original state over a few months

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nova - a star showing a sudden large increase in brightness and then slowly returning to its original state over a few months.

*vinnies pov*

"Fuck" we both said in unison

She quickly glanced back at me, rolling her eyes in annoyance crumpling the note I had written and throwing it on the floor. a little guilt washed over me as it was my fault but I quickly pushed it aside "why should I care?" I thought to myself focusing back on my textbook.

Soon enough the bell rang and everyone started to pack up and get to their next class as did I, putting my books back into my bag I started walking out, she was walking in front of me well when I say walking it's more like stomping.

She seems upset "who cares?" I should apologise though  "I don't apologise" I bite my tongue and look down walking to my next class which was biology, I walk in and see I'm early it's not often I'm early to class I sit down in my seat near the door getting my textbook out and a pen as everyone else started to pour in as class started.

I couldn't get this morning out of my head, this was annoying me now "Good morning class today we have a new student joining us" "I'll let her introduce herself" I hear my teacher explain as my head perks up, to my surprise it's her again it's almost like I'm glad to see her "no you're being stupid" my conscious reminds me as I shake my head

"Hi I'm Devyn nova I joined this school 2 weeks ago but this is my first biology lesson so far I'm happy to be here," she says with her bright smile that annoyed me so much she wants people to like her so bad I thought crossing my arms "thankyou Devyn go sit in front of Jaxon," she says pointing over to the seat behind me

Devyn nods making her way over to where I was but avoiding all eye contact with me, sitting behind me and pulling out her books the lesson goes by quickly and soon enough I'm packing up to go to break. Walking out I see her walking with Jaxon my god I swear he's looking everywhere but her eyes I think in disgust "why do I even care?" I answer shaking my head and continuing to leave the classroom.

On my way out I feel two hands cover my eyes and a very familiar voice say "guess who it is" "hmm does your name start with an r" I say chuckling "aw man how'd you know" he replies in defeat my blonde haired best friend coming into my view "at least try to change your voice next time" I laugh "oh yeah" he says laughing with me we head to the cafeteria while talking about our weekends

*flashback start*

"Hey ! please give that back" I hear a small voice yell not that far away from me seconds later I hear "uh uh no way you're getting it back you loser" and some kids giggling I follow the voices and find a small blonde haired kid who looked around my age on the floor in tears asking for something back

I look up and see some older kids one of them with a fluffy teddy bear in their hand holding it up high so the kid couldn't grab it for some reason I felt the urge to help him "HEY LEAVE HIM ALONE NOW" I yell in my most grown-up voice possible which sends the kids off running in different directions dropping the scruffy teddy bear behind them.

I pick up the teddy bear and look at the kid his head perking up a little "you alright?" I ask walking a little closer and handing over the stuffed animal he loved so much "t-thankyou" he replies wiping tears from his eyes and slowly standing up I didn't expect what happened next as all of sudden his arms are wrapped around me and he's weeping into my T-shirt and sniffling "no problem!" I say grinning "rowan" he whispers "vinnie" but calls me "vin" I whisper back gently patting his head

ever since then, we've been inseparable I and rowan were best friends and did everything together

*flashback ends*

*authors note <3* - thank you so much for the recent love on this story me and author 2 are so excited for the rest of this book and have many twists and turns coming in this book so stay tuned !! new chapters every week ❤️

𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. -  𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now