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Jin POV:

I made it home just silently listening to the music playing in the car. From there I saw the apartment, old, dirty, and full of trash. I hated it, I wish I lived somewhere better.

I took Namjoon's hand intertwining them taking a deep breath. "N-Namjoon.. I told think I can do it.. I'm.. to nervous to go."

Namjoon turned his head looking at me then the building, "Do you want me to go with you?"

"I don't think you can.. they'll.." I stopped my sentence and sighed. I don't think they will allow him in, ever.

I saw him start the car back and keep his door open. "Today you will run away from home. Don't worry about what they'll say. Go inside and go right into your room, pack anything reliable okay?"

Possibly run away?! I thought letting my eyes nervously look around. "What if he hurts me again..."

KNJ- "And if he does don't worry about evidence, you are the evidence and you're they're child that they abused for no reason.. trust me on this." He looked me in his eyes trying his best to convince me.

I had to do something about it. I couldn't hide anymore, I've already had a open wound so perhaps I should. I can't fear him anymore.

I responded with an okay clearing my throat as I got out of the car and walked up the stairs. This was it. I was going to leave.

I unlocked the house door with my copper key and looked around starting to hyperventilate. Down the hall was empty, nobody was there.

Quickly rushing to my room, my dad called my name from the living room shouting with the knife in his hand. He sounded angry while my mom cooked.

They must've stayed quiet to play me. I ignored him though and pushed everything to my door to block him from coming in.

"Jin! Kim SeokJin! Open this door now! You useless piece of—." I covered my ears blocking the noise just silently crying to himself. I grabbed a bag stuffing some clothes and shoes, then I grabbed my charger from my wall and a picture of my and my family before the terror occurred.

I still loved them... but I don't think I could ever forgive them today. I heard the sounds of the door get louder as he cursed at my behind the door. It was so loud.

"Appa stop!" I yelled putting the bag on my back hiccuping in my tears.

"Get out here so we can talk!" He shouted running the knife on the wall.

"NO! You've never wanted to talk! You've always wanted your way!" I shouted back in a cracky voice opening my window.

I didn't want to shout Namjoon's name because my dad would hear so I quickly texted him as the door started to break at the middle.

It started to get bad. Really quickly. My phone trembled in my hand sending him a quiet voice message.

Namjoon-ah. Can you hear me?.. H-He's banging on the door I have to come out from the window— hurry!

I ripped the sheets off my bed and tied it to the end of the leg on my bed bringing it to the window.

"Jin! Be careful in right below you.. I'll catch you." Namjoon said with his hands reached out.

My tears fell down my face as the doors hole got bigger ripping the wood with stab marks. "I'll try.."

My dad looked at my sit by the window from the door still shouting my name. He kept stabbing the door till it broke. I took a deep breath and threw the bag from my shoulder to Namjoon.

"Here! Take this then I'll come.. give me a second." I told him turning back to my crazy dad. This'll be the last time.

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