The naive heart

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The ground crumbles in between
The Heart is naive  in believing it's different
Tried something new unsure if was  for me
Playing Cinderella for the night
Everyone who sees me views me in surprise
Me dying of embarrassment but smiling
Forgetting all my worries
Until the ground cracks under me, a breeze freezes me down
Removed your hand from mine running away
Making me the third an invisible wheel
Walking out before a breakdown
Curse the kindness running through my veins
I'm glad you are happy but please don't forget
Me, you are my twin under the stars
I wait outside but you disappear with the wind leaving me alone in the old autumn
Nothing is wrong I'm overreacting faking a smile until midnight
Then crumbling in my safe haven
Taking off the heels and the makeup this isn't me
Giving a hoodie and high tops and Im set
A comfort hoodie with my favorite pajamas pants  I sink into the blanket thinking about all my mistakes as my conscience drifts away into tomorrow
Hoping to erase this from my mind forever

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