~Destined Meeting~

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You were new to Domino City, Actually you were new to Japan. You had recently moved to Japan from Australia because of your fathers work. 

The move didn't necessarily bother you since you've always had a fascination with Japan due to your undying love for anime. Though you will miss the land you were born and raised in there was one thing you were not gonna miss.

The giant fucking spiders.

Despite living in Australia your whole life up until now you still held a very healthy dislike/fear of the devil spawns.

But enough of that for currently you found yourself standing infront of a game shop called "Kame Games".  You had been exploring your new City when you came across the shop.

Curious you pushed open the door looking around in silent wonder as you walked in. Inside was a bunch of different games old & new but the one you noticed the most was a game called, Duel Monsters.

Walking over to the counter you carefully looked over each card they had on display. 'Hm, Maybe I should buy a pack.' you contemplated in your head.

"Can I help you miss?" A soft voice asked from behind you making you jump slightly. "Oh, sorry if I scared you." 

Turning around you saw a short boy with tri-coloured hair and the most wide innocent looking purple eyes you have ever seen.

You couldn't help but stare at him for a minute before shaking your head an giving a soft smile. "Actually, I was wondering if I could buy a pack of Duel Monster cards?" You asked kindly watching as the boy before you seemed to almost glow at the very mention of the game.

"Sure!" The tri-coloured hair boy nodded happily before going behind the counter grabbing a pack and placing it on the counter as you quickly payed for it and placed it in the handbag you wore to keep it safe until you return home.

After placing the booster pack away you looked back at the boy and decided to introduce yourself.

Straightening up you held your hand out which the boy took gently into his. "Thanks for the booster pack I'm (Y/n) by the way." you introduced but decided to leave your last name out for personal reasons.

"Yugi Muto, It's nice to meet you (Y/n)." The boy Yugi said happily already feeling like he made a new friend.

Looking at Yugi's happy face you couldn't help but think how adorable this kid was. 

"You too kid." You said getting a confused look from Yugi before it disappeared back into a soft smile, but what he said next had you almost keel over in embarrassment.

"I'm 17 actually." Your face turned a deep red as a squeak left your throat before you started apologizing furiously while Yugi tried to reassure you it was alright.

You apologized for 2 hours before Yugi was able to finally calm you down again.


You'll be honest your first meeting wasn't exactly how you would have liked to meet the love of your life but fate had odd ways of bringing two beings together.

You are known as (Y/n) Pegasus, Daughter of the one and only Maximillion Pegasus. Your mother Cecelia had you barely a year before her illness ripped her away from both you and your father.

Though you didn't remember her you knew very well how much it effected your beloved father. Even 17 years later he still could not get over her not being by his side.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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