Bad Boy Lester

526 24 14

Genre: Fluff

Word Count: 1200

It was common knowledge that Dan has a huge crush on the school's badass, Phil Lester. He knew it was incredibly cliche, the quiet nerdy kid falls in love with the badass with tattoos. But he's read enough fan fiction to convince himself that he actually had a chance with Phil. You couldn't blame him, Phil was hot, to say the least. His black hair, tattoos, and piercing blue eyes bought him a horde of girls who follow him everywhere. Literally. Last year a short blonde girl followed him into the toilets.

Dan knows he doesn't have a chance with Phil at all, but yet he still can't get over him. It's just something about his eyes..

He'll probably just stay miserable forever.



Finally, Dan sighed.Free to go. He picked up his bags and pushed his way through all the bustling teenagers to get to his locker. He had plans to meet up with his best friends Chris and Pj after school for some hardcore Mario Kart; he couldn't wait to get his mind of Phil. The whole day, the blue eyed boy had been the focus of his attention. God, his eyes were just the perfect shade of blue.. and the way that they sparkle when he smiles-

"Oi faggot, watch where your going!"

The looming figures of Nash Grier and his friends glared down at him. Fuck. Ever since word got out about his crush on Phil, Nash has made it his personal duty to make Dan's life living hell.

"Day dreaming about Lester? He would never fall for a faggot like you, Howell." He smirked, causing Dan to flush red.

"N-no, l-leave me al-lone," He mumbled, twisting his fingers together with anxiety. Jesus, PLEASE delete me from this universe.

"What'd you say, fag? Speak up" Nash shoved his shoulders back, sending Dandown to the floor with a thud.

Dan sat on the ground, blinking tears out of his eyes from embarrassment and frustration, willing for the ground to break open and swallow him up.

"How could you think he could like you?" He let out a harsh laugh. "You're just a worthless, annoying, faggot." he said, kicking Dan hard in the side with every word. The rest of of his little group joined in, kicking his body with as much force as they could.

"Nash." Dan looked up, to see Phil glaring at the other boy. Dan watched as Nash's smirk slipped away under Phil's steely gaze. "What the hell did you just call him?"

Dan couldn't believe what was happening; Phil Lester was defending HIM. Holyfuck. Wow, Phil has a great ass.. DANIEL HOWELL NO.

"I, uh, called him a fa- cause, you know..." He broke of his sentence as Phil's eyes turned colder.

"Um..." Nash spun suddenly and ran away like a puppy with his tail in between his legs, his little clique following. Dan laughed at the sight, causing Phil's attention to shift to him for the first time. He felt his face instantly heat up, and he coughed awkwardly. He heard Phil giggling, looking up in disbelief. Phil fucking Lester, the school's bad boy, was standing before him giggling into his hands like an eight year old girl. "Here, get up," he smiled at Dan, offering his hand.

Dan took it, standing to face the boy he'd been fantasizing about for the past year. "So um.." Fuck, stop being awkward Howell. "Thanks for that.. helping and stuff.." he said, glaring at the floor. When no answer came, he looked up at Phil to see him smiling fondly at him. Confused, he waved his hand in front of the blue eyes he had always admired. Phil snapped out of his trance and blushed red, frantically fixing his fringe. "Uh, yeah, no problem," he mumbled. After standing in awkward silence for at least ten minutes, Phil coughed out, "So... could I walk you home..? You know, so they don't jump you again or.." he trailed of, running his hands through his hair, ruining the perfectly done fringe. Dan smirked at the school's bad boy, blushing and stuttering before him. It really was adorable, he's never seen this side of Phil. Smiling, Dan gently fixed Phil's hair, causing him to flush and look down.

"Sorry I'm so awkward, I'm normally not like this.." Phil said, smiling sheepishly. Dan smiled back shyly, "So, walk me home?" The other boys face lit up, smiling.


The two boys walked through the chilly England afternoon, sneaking sideways glances at each other. Phil was the first to break the tense silence. "So.. there's this rumor I've heard.."


"You've got a crush on me?"


"I mean, I kinda... okay, so it's lik-"

Dan had no fucking idea what he was going to say, but Phil saved him the worry by pressing his soft lips against Dans.

It was awkward, clumsy, and only lasted a few seconds as Dan abruptly ended it, his flushed face filled with confusion. "Wait so... you like me back?"

Phil stared disbelieving back at him, "What, did the kiss not make that clear enough?"

Dan sputtered and reeled for words, thinking he must be dreaming. No way in hell did Phil Lester just say he was attracted to him.

He was pulled out of his daze when Phil kissed him again, more slowly that Dan could pull away if he wanted. But he didn't. He kissed back softly,still in shock.

This could not really be happening. Dan had dreamed of this for so long; to feel Phil's soft lips against his, or the feel of his hands roaming his chest. But now that he was doing it.. God, it was so much better than he had every imagined.

Phil pulled away, his hair a mess and his eyes glittering, "So um... be my boyfriend?" he giddily laughed.

"Well..." Dan lowered his eyes. "I'm sorry Phil.."

Phil dropped his hands from Dans chest, lowering his eyes to the floor.
"O-okay... I'll go then.."


"Oh my fucking god you little piece of SHIT!" Phil laughed in relief, shoving his boyfriend of the sidewalk.

Dan laughed and threw his hands around Phil's neck, resting their foreheads against each others. "As if I could turn you down.." Their lips met, and they kissed on the side of the street. They continued in their soft mantra for quite a while, until Dan's phone dinged from a text.

oi, where are u m8? w/o u, im fucking domination peej

(not just in mario kart AYE)


not that we've ever done that or anything

i mean, hypothetically, if we were to do



"I mean, I've always thought that Chris would top.." Phil laughed as he read over Dan's shoulder. "I know right!" Dan chortled back, before sighing. "I better get going," he said, and Phil nodded back. The two of them were flushed red and smiling like idiots.

"So," Phil coughed and straighten his jacket, "I'll see you later Howell," he added with a smirk. Dan smiled back adoringly.

"You too, Lester."

hqkziagsjfksjwann this is so bad okay

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