Pastel Dan, Punk Phil

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Everyone's doing these but ugh they're so cute leave me alone okay. Anyway, I saw the picture above on tumblr, so I've kinda based this on that. Also it's very stereotypical phanfiction oops okay

My shoulder was roughly pinned against the cold metal lockers, the force of the action knocking of my flower crown, a confection of small soft roses.
"Hey fag," Sam smirks at me. Asshole pisses me out every day because I just dress a bit different. Today I wore a lavender sweater over a white button up shirt, violet jeans (NOT PURPLE. JESUS. ITS VIOLET.), and my favorite light pink converse; an ensemble I'm quite proud of.
"Miss us?" he breathed against my face, his little gang grinning like wolves behind him.
I shoved his hand off me, reaching to pick up my flower crown when he swiftly pushed me too the ground, causing my wrist to make a sickening 'crack.'
"Aw, does the gay boy want his little crown?" he simpered, picking it up and staring me dead in the eyes. The small ring of flowers looked so delicate and out of place in his large brutal hands. I watch, wary of my sore wrist as he said something inaudible to his friends.
I am quickly hauled up, hands pinned behind my back as a sit on my knees. I close my eyes, waiting for the hits. I don't wait long, a punch is thrown at my shoulder. Pain splinters from the bone, I cry out.
"Shut up." Sam snaps at me, before his friends bare down on me, beating me like a doll. I feel blood trickle down my chin, they busted up my lip.
"STOP," I cry out as someone kicks my jaw. I can't tell who it was, my eyesight was starting to blur together.
Sam crouched so he was eye level as the hits continue.
"No." he smirks, before showing me my flower crown, and ferociously ripping out a flutter of petals. Soon my beautiful flower crown lay as a pile of shreds on the floor in front of me. I feel rage course through my body; bitch can beat me up, but BITCH WILL NOT MESS WITH MY FLOWER CROWNS.

"Miss, I just don't understand how to figure this equation out and-" clunky feet headed their direction.
Relief replaces the anger that had previously fueled me, he could recognize those footsteps anywhere.
"Sam! It's a teacher, let's go mate," one of the boys said worriedly.
The boys who had held me up dropped me, and I crumpled to the floor; filled with relief.
Sam frowned, disappointed by the lack of my blood on the floor. He spat on my face for good measure and ran off with the rest of his friends.
As soon as they left, I heard heavy footsteps clomping toward him. Warm pale arms wrapped around me, pulling me close.
"Phil," I cough out.
"Shush princess," I smile at his deep voice, slender fingers brushing blood of my skin. "Let's take you home,"
Phil carried me out of his car, gently setting my broken body down on his couch. I watch him bustle around the medicine cupboard, muttering his worries and profanity. He made his way to me, uncapping a bottle. "I hate how familiar this feels" he says to me, his blue eyes looking into my brown ones. I could only offer a weak smile before he starting rubbing medicine on the cuts and bruises. I smile genuinely at how gently and caring he is. Even though he looks tough with his tattoos, piercings, and dark clothing, he was practically Bambi.
He wiped blood of my lip and chin with a wet cloth as I watched his features. His eyes sparkled so many colors within the captivating blue pools. His normally pale skin was flushed from worry and anger, resenting Sam and his gang. Phil was biting his pink lips, which were adorned with a shiny black lip ring. I wonder what it would feel like to kiss Phil, his soft lips against the cool metal of his piercing..
"Like what you see?"
I feel hear rush to my face when I realize he was done cleaning me up, and I was full on checking out my best friend.
"Shut up," I laugh it off nervously, pushing him away. I hope he couldn't tell how flustered he was... Phil is my best friend, he's the only one I cannot loose.
Snapping out of my thoughts, I feel myself break into a smile as he gave me a cheeky laugh, wrapping his arms around me and flipping on the TV.
I could've sworn I heard his heartbeat speed up.

Phil POV
I never want to see that smile leave his face.
After a few hours cuddling while watching Great British Bake Off, Dan had turned on E!. Lucky me, there just happened to be a two hour long Kanye West interview airing.
"So, Kanye, about Nort-
ANYWAY let's talk about my new music video..."
"That's it I'm not spending another minute of my life watching this beaver talk about himself any longer we are going out right now Daniel." I found myself yelling. I shoved my feet into my loud combat boots and dragged Dan out the door.
"fUCK," I tripped over my untied shoelaces for the millionth time.
I huffed, tying of my shoes.
Phil grabbed both of my hands
"I'm sorry princess, I just really wanted to show you something. Also Kanye West was killing my brain cells" he smiled sweetly, kissing my cheek lightly.
"It's okay," I managed to get out, ducking my head, hoping that my fringe would cover up the blush making its way onto my cheeks.
Part 2 coming soon, yay, cool, okay!

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 05, 2015 ⏰

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