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Your aunt inspected the bruises on your skin. "I found this cream in our suitcase,how lucky." Your aunt said in a sweet tone. "Remember to keep this cream close,it will help." Your aunt said leaving again. "Bye Y/N and Zara,remember to stay here." Your aunt said before closing the door. "Yes Aunt Lala." You said as she closed the door and locked it. "Are you hungry?" You asked. "Yeah." Zara said. "Hey,I know we went out of the room yesterday,but,can we do it again today?" Zara asked. "Okay,what will we do?" You asked. "Let's go out of the hotel,there is a fair with many sweets!" Zara said happily. "But,when will your mom come?" You asked. "My mom lasts about 6 hours,and we will be fine. I brought my own money for the fair." Zara shows you her black lacey wallet with hearts. You bring Zara dates.

 You bring Zara dates

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(It is a fruit)

After you and Zara ate dates you put on your black flip flops.

After you and Zara ate dates you put on your black flip flops

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"I'm ready!" You said. You then felt a horrible sensation growing from your leg. You took off your flip flops and applied the cream your aunt gave you. And not much later you felt that same sensation to your fingers. You put the flip flops away. You applied the cream to your fingers and felt better. "I will get some other shoes." You said while Zara looked at you worried.

You put on these shoes,they were pretty used up,but still usable

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You put on these shoes,they were pretty used up,but still usable. You went out of the room and made your way to the hotel lobby,you spotted the same blonde boy. You looked over at him. "Don't look at him." She said as she tugged your arm to look away. "Why?" You asked. "I can't tell you now,but I will tell you later." Zara whispered to you. "Why not?" You asked her. "Because he might hear us." But unfortunately Zara's whisper was a little too loud that she caused him to look over in her direction. Zara gasped and looked away from him. You looked at him,not making it obvious,he looked at Zara confused. You two walked away from the hotel and towards the fair. "Can you please tell me why I shouldn't talk to him?" You asked her politely. "Okay,the reason why I don't want you talking to him is because...what he was typing on his laptop.....was how minorities should all die." Zara said shyly. You looked at her surprised. But not disappointed. You've had worse disappointment. "Oh..." You said in a low voice. "Don't worry Y/N. You won't even talk to him (:" She said. She smiled,and you also smiled. "We're here!" She said happily. "Yay!" You saw tall colorful bright lights. All the cool rides filled you with excitement. "Let's go!" She said tugging your arm in the direction of the rides. *Bada-Bing!* You and Zara heard. Zara pulled  out her phone and shrieked Multiple people looked over at her  direction in surprise. "What's wrong Zara?" You asked also surprised. "My mom is coming early!" She said in a very worried tone. You gasped. She grabbed your arm and made you run with her. You two ran like never before. "Oof!" Zara ran into someone. The blonde boy. "You again?" He said harshly." Zara's green eyes widened with surprise as she looked up at him. His face filled with annoyance. "I'm sorry,we just wanted to come in!" You giggled nervously with the sentence,not with a blush that has changed. "What do you mean again?" Zara asked. "Whatever." He said walking off. "A little rude is he?" Zara whispered. "Yeah..." You said with a low voice. "Come on! Let's go!" Zara said remembering the situation at hand. You two ran into the lobby all the way to the shared room. Your breath was sharp,you locked the door behind you and took off your shoes and placed it in the suitcase you and your aunt have. "Let's watch television like nothing happened."  Zara said. "Okay." You said. You and Zara watched a random show on television. You two heard the door open. "We're here!" Fatima said happily. "Do you two want to go to the fair?" Your aunt asked. "Yeah!" You said happily. "Okay!" Zara said excitedly. "Alright! Let's go!" Fatima said to Zara. Both Fatima and Zara went out of the room and waited for you and your aunt. You ran back to the suitcase and put on your shoes you had on when you and Zara sneaked out of the hotel. You were ready and the two of you went out the room and followed Fatima and Zara out of the hotel. "What is wrong with that pool water!?" You heard a lady yell. You heard a small girl cry,you looked over and saw the small girl plopped on the floor wearing pink jean shorts and unicorn flip flops. She had rashes all over her legs,similar to yours. The woman also had rashes all over her arms. "Mommy! Mommy! It hurts!" The girl cried. "I'm sorry ma'am,we don't use any chemicals in the pool that cause rashes to human skin." The woman behind the counter said. "Me and my daughter aren't allergic to any specific kind of plants or foods,and 3 days later we get these rashes after swimming in that pool. Then,after we ran tests on the pool water,only to say it was contaminated!" The lady said angrily. Your aunt turned immediately. "Fatima. Did you hear that?" Your Aunt whispered. "Yes,do you think that is why Y/N was having rashes?" Fatima whispered back. "Y/N was in that pool,you two can go to the fair. Me and Y/N will stay here and see what this is about." Your aunt said. Fatima nodded and took Zara by the hand and walked out of the hotel. Your aunt walked over and genty said. "Excuse me? Did your daughter also have rashes all over her legs like my niece?" She asked. The lady nodded. "My niece was in that pool as well!" Your aunt said I was surprised. "You see!? That pool has already harmed others! Not just me!" The lady said. "Yes,we know ma'am,a man has already complained about the same thing as well." The woman behind the counter said. You remembered the same man from the pool who was hit on the head by the phone.

3 hours later,you and Zara are on a bench stuffed from all the food you ate. Zara groaned. You turned to her. "Can we play on the playground like we used to when we were 7?" Zara asked. "We can't leave-" You were cut off by Fatima saying that you two stay here while your aunt Lala got your things from the hotel. You politely asked her why. "Because they are shutting the hotel down due to the reputation of bad customer service and lack of hygiene." She said.

Authors note:( I made a fake chemical that is harmful to human skin. So the effects are not based on a real chemical.)

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