To love your enemy

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There's a saying,good shoes will take you good places.Im not sure if that saying applies me though.

[In her mind]I wore this out for a fresh start but...they're so painful compared to my Snickers this is why people should just stick to what they know.Anyway did they start already..?there so many people........i-is this the line?Ah maybe I'll ask the tall person over there?

Ah excuse me,would you happen to know which line is for business major? [in her mind]H-huh I feel like I've seen him before...(ignored)what?

Excuse me the line...argh..
[In her mind]he could have just said he doesn't know..he didn't have to swat at me.
[In her mind]Glaring?is he glaring at me now?!tsk is he nuts

"Excuse me are you alright?this is the line for business major you can stand here."Ah thank you.[in her minded]I can't believe im in the same major as this jerk..I should stay away from this guy[she's pissed]

"Alright!I'm pretty famous for my amazing mixed drinks get ready to crawl back home tonight!"giggles" wou..would you like some Yeon?"sure!"chug that first drink!chug!chug!"these kids they're really...


"WOOOW!JUNYA,we made a great choice hiring you!,Junya isn't like other woman in the company.she never back down!"haha really?
[In her mind]what is he talking about?
"Ofcourse kids these days they just to get of the company dinners,do they think we're gonna bite.They should be more like you and lighten up the mood around here!"ah..haha.[one her mind]since your barking nonsense already..


Y'all drink like total babies.

Off so bitter I'm already dizzy."I guess your a lightweight!,just like what I thought,Here open wide""you said you're 24 right?"yeah."what did you do before coming to university?"oh I just had an office job eventually my grandparents suggested getting a degree..."they can be both me..ah bit uptight and here I am"I see,that's really cool."let's drink to that!"

A Couple of hours later

"Yeonhee why are you still the one who is sober"uh.... "What?unfwer!y-hic you should be hic should be drunk by now!dri-hic drink more!hic"
[In her mind]why this bastard he should just take a nap he's drunk anyway!

Uhm I don't feel so good,uh Xiao who's bag is that?"oh it belong to one of the guys in major,I think he said something about..stepping out to check up on his mom?"[in her mind]phew I changed the subject.

I'm just going to the bathroom.
[in her mind] I'm the only one..who look sober right now?!I ve got to look drunk if I don't wanna drink anymore.*put on a makeup*
Now I look like drunk person.

"Oh there she is!"
*Trip*[in her mind]argh this damn heels!!taking me into a good place my a*s!!its almost like a shortcut of embarrassing my self!!!!

*Grab*oh..uh I'm sorry [in her mind]
Phew at least I didn't embarrassed my self...w-wait a minute he's the jerk from earlier and today!but..this guy he looks familiar!

Ahhh!from the interview!"are you okay?!are you hurt?!"I'm okay lee.
"Ahh this is hikyung his the we were talking about "uh..uhm..hi
[in her mind]that jerk does he have zero social skill."do you want to go to the karaoke for round two?"

Ah I'm exhausted spending hours for people that I don't even know...
*Creek*oh,hey!did you come up here for some fresh air too?was it..Yi..Yi..yijung?ah haha."..."
[In her mind]what do I do he seems to hate me already,should I just say something?should I ask him what the fuck he's looking at?

"You don' me?..uh..uhm I saw you from the interview right?"of course I remember you I was number 87...and you were...[in her mind]what why is he suddenly acting like he knows me after ignoring..


I finally remember we're we first met..

It was 2 years ago...

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