Chapter 4

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The small group made their way into the town of Mos Espa. They pass dangerous-looking citizens of all types.

As they walked through the town, Padmé and Marcy looked around in awe at this exotic environment.

"... Moisture farms for the most part. Some indigenous tribes and scavengers. The few spaceports like this one are havens for those who do not wish to be found..." Qui-Gon explained to the two girls.

"... Like us," Padmé muttered.

"Yeah... I got a bad feeling about this..." Marcy muttered before she felt something... Like a pull in the force, like it was telling her to go somewhere.

Jar Jar looked around in panic. "Dissen berry berry bad," he grumbled in fear.

R2-D2 beeped, causing Marcy to pat him on the head.

They soon got to the junk dealer plaza, looking for a place to get the parts out.

"We'll try one of the smaller dealers," Qui-Gon said before the group walked over to one of the smaller dealers.

Marcy also realized that as they got closer to the shop, the pull in the Force get stronger, causing her to inhale slightly.

Padmé was the only one who noticed though. "You okay, Marcy?" she asked.

Marcy looked at her, giving her a small nod. "I'm fine, it's just like... Something is pulling me. It's weird," she responded in a whisper.


Watto, a Toydarian, was sitting behind his desk, cleaning a part for a ship as the bell dinged, signaling that Qui-Gon, Marcy, Padmé, Jar Jar, and R2-D2 entered the dingy junk shop.

"Guta naloya. (Good day to you.)" Watto greeted in Huttese, flying over  his desk to meet the group. "Ha chuba da nala? (What do you want?)"

"I need parts for a J-type 327 Nubian," Qui-Gon informed Watto as they walked up to his desk.

"Ah yes, ah yes. Nubian. We have lots of that," Watto informed them before looking behind them. "Peedenk! Naba dee unko! (Boy, get in here! Now!)" he yelled in Huttese.

"My droid here has a readout of what I need," Qui-Gon said as Watto turned back to look at him.

At the same time, Marcy spotted some parts she's never seen before, causing her to step away to look at the parts. "This is so cool!" she grinned, pulling out her journal to draw the part.

Jar Jar, on the other hand, started to look around the shop as well.

A disheveled boy, named Anakin Skywalker, ran in from the junkyard. He looked about nine years old, looked very dirty, and was dressed in rags.

"Coona tee-tocky malia? (What took you so long?)" Watto asked the boy.

"Mel tassa cho-passa... (I was cleaning the bin like you...)" Anakin snapped back.

"Chut-Chut! Ganda doe wallya. Me dwana no bata. (Watch the store. I've got some selling to do here,)" Watto told him before turning to Qui-Gon as Anakin climbed onto the desk. "Soooo, let me take - a thee out back. Ni you'll find what you need," Watto told him, chuckling as he started to lead Qui-Gon out back.

R2-D2 followed the two as Jar Jar picked up a gizmo, trying to figure out its purpose. Qui-Gon stopped, taking it out of his hand and putting it back. "Don't touch anything," he told Jar Jar before leaving to follow Watto.

"Hmph!" Jar Jar huffed before blowing a raspberry at him.

He ended up walking to another part of the shop and starting to play with more machines. Padmé's eyes widened. "Jar Jar, no!" she cried, rushing over to stop him.

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