Chapter 6

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It was now nighttime on the planet of Naboo.

Nute Gunray rode a strange, mechanical walking chair, while Sio Bibble walked alongside him. And a group of armed guard droids marched behind them.

"Your Queen is lost, your people are starving, and you, Governor, are going to die, much sooner than your people, I'm afraid," Nute Gunray stated with a smirk.

"This invasion will gain you nothing. We're a democracy. The people have decided..." Sio Bibble told him.

Nute Gunray waved his hand. "Take him away," 

Two armed droids led Sio Bibble away down the palace stairs while OOM-9 walked over to Nute. "My troops are in position to begin searching the swamps for these rumored underwater villages... They will not stay hidden for long," OOM-9 informed.

Nute nodded, satisfied.


Padmé walked into the room where R2-D2, Jar Jar, Anakin, Sasha, Anne, and Marcy were resting.

Jar Jar was asleep on a chair, R2-D2 was powered down, Marcy was leaning against R2-D2 who barely drifted off, Sasha was awake, polishing her pink sword, Anne was leaning against her arms that were on the table, and Anakin was shivering in a corner.

Padmé walked over to the monitor, pressing a button to replay the recording. "The death toll is catastrophic. We must bow to their wishes. You must contact me," Sio Bibble said, the recording glitching slightly before it ended.

Marcy woke up from the recording, sitting up while she wiped the sleep out of her eyes. Padmé glanced her way before the two looked over at Anakin, who was looking dejected and shivering.

"Are you all right?" Padmé asked while Marcy stood up, looking at him concerned.

"It's very cold," he responded.

Marcy looked toward him sympathetically, slowly taking off her cape. She walked over to him and offered it to him. "You come from a warm planet, Ani. A little too warm for my taste. Space is cold," she said, wrapping the cape around him.

Sasha turned to the two, smiling slightly as she set her sword down on the table. She slowly took her fur coat off, handing it to Anakin. "Take mine too. You need it more than me," Sasha said, shivering slightly.

"Thanks, Sasha," Anakin thanked as Marcy helped him wrap it around him, using part of it as a pillow.

Padmé smiled at their interaction but still noticed that Sasha was shivering. 'She must've just gotten used to the heat on that planet. Her body must not be used to the cold after not feeling it for so long,' she thought.

Anakin noticed Padmé's expression from over Marcy's shoulder. "You seem sad," he commented.

Padmé looked down slightly, stepping closer to the group. "The Queen is... Worried. Her people are suffering... Dying. She must convince the Senate to intervene or... I'm not sure what will happen," she explained.

Anne watched her with saddened eyes, sitting up slightly as she looked at her sympathetically.

Padmé patted his shoulder. "Good night, Anakin," she said, going to walk out of the room.

Anne stood up slowly, going to follow Padmé out of the room.

Sasha shivered again, standing up, and walking out of the room from another door to see if she could find a blanket.

"I made this for you..." Anakin said, pulling something out of his pocket and setting it in Marcy's hands. "So you'd remember me. I carved it out of a japor snippet... It will bring you good fortune," he added as Marcy inspected the wooden pendant.

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