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one day jacksypoolycheebooboobear woke up and realized that he's actually so in love with ella. he jumped out of bed, grabbed his phone and ran all the way to mando which he knows she goes to a lot. and there she is, standing in the sunset, talking to her BEST FRIEND SARAH FOR LIFE THAT NOT EVEN JACKSON COULD REPLACE THIS IS A WARNING THAT I CANT BE REPLACED. he decides to go to a store next door and buy some flowers and a note. he found a big bouquet of pink white and yellow flowers and stuck a long note inside about how much he cared for her. when he came out she was nowhere to be found. he looked everywhere for her, searched every store but she had already left. but suddenly a dog appeared by his side with the the name tag "junie" on it. he turned it around and to his surprise(he was honestly quite happy the little simp) he saw the name "ella lim" written in big bold letters and the address and phone right underneath. he quickly dialed the number.

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