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"Agent Park and Choi, you guys are in charge of clearing the first floor for your teammates. The first floor is in charge of all security. Your guys' job is disabling the cameras for now.. Once Agent Lee gives the word; Agent Park will cut off the signal and head to the third floor to get Yoongi. Agent Choi- I want you to set off the C-4 when everyone is out. I will contact Agent Lee and Jeon next. Good luck."

"Don't fuck up. Just because we are partners right now doesn't mean I like you."

"You don't have to. If you don't get in my way I won't get in yours..", Jimin looked at him with a nonchalant stare and pulled up his mask covering the lower part of his face.


We all walk and stare at the abandoned warehouse guarded by men with black vests and earpieces. They circle the area, switching their head in every direction. San points to one side and I point to the other. Jungkook heads with me while Jimin goes with San.

Better for me. I'd rather not listen to his voice. I need to focus on this mission.

We head to the back of the warehouse, carefully holding our weapons close. We put in our earpieces and listen to our instructions.

"Alright, Agent Lee and Jeon you guys will head for the left wing, that's where Agent Byun should be located since it's where their connection was last located. After that let me know once they're down so that Agent Park can cut the signal. We won't be able to reach you guys after so please be careful."

Nodding, I look at Jungkook who nods in agreement. "In alive and out alive got it?", I say while fixing my belt and gloves. "Like always teach. I got your back", he gives me a reassuring smile and tucks in his chain and fixes his things as well. Taking a deep breath we head into the building and start walking slowly up the staircase.

Heading behind both guards and taking them both out by hitting a pressure point. We then enter calmly the first floor. "Damn.. they took them out real good", Jungkook stated as he lightly nudged one of the guys on the ground. "No kidding.. ", chuckling we both head upstairs. "So how is she doing..?", he asks while keeping an eye on our surroundings. "She's okay. I called Taehyung last night and I talked to her for a bit..", I saw while smiling a bit. "How old is she now? Like 5?" He started counting with his fingers. "4 but will turn 5 next week, I plan on doing a small party for her at their place." He nodded but soon turned around looking at me. "Too bad you can't have the party at the base.. everyone would be able to celebrate together.." we both sigh knowing what would happen. "As much as that sounds amazing, I've already told you guys that I don't want to bring her to base.. I want her to live the normal life I or her mother didn't get to have.." Looking at him and seeing a reassuring smile was all I needed to feel like I'm doing something right. "Wow teach, you being an aunt still shocks me. Tell me, now that she's growing up more who does she look like more?", he asks. I take a second to think and smile. "She definitely has her father's energy.. and his eyes. But she is as sweet as can be Jay. Honestly, maybe more like her mother.. she was always so gentle and comforting", I say while reminiscing that day.

I heard my name being yelled across the hallway. Turning seeing Irene's bright smile running my way and Tae following her. "Hey guys what's going on-" I was cut off shortly while getting a tight hug from her while Tae slowed down his speed but kept a big smile plastered on him face.
"I'm pregnant..", I heard her whisper and my eyes widen looking at her boyfriend mouthing the words 'for real?'

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