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Win's PoV

I guess it's going pretty well. No head smash yet. We keep talking about random things and just having some fun.

But that didn't last long. Someone poured their drink on Bright accidently. Last time me and this time him. Is this a curse? Ah he looks troubled but..... I couldn't help him.

He looks at me with puppy eyes and says

Win Can you... help me with this please?

I don't wanna touch you. Shit that came out super rude. He is so shocked that he left for the bathroom. Phew!

He came back soon after.

Soo.. Tell me what's with Don't touch me and I don't wanna touch you? Did I harassed you or something? He said with a straight face. I am scared. The time has come.

Bright You have been nice to me recently and I genuinely like hanging out with you now. So please let's not go there.. I said

This time I am not letting you off the hook. All the hate for me just why? What the fuck did I do? Just tell me now. I can't proceed if I don't know. He said with a scary face. Guess I can't escape.


Yes. Finally today is the day I am gonna meet him again. First time went pretty well so let's just hope for better this time.

As always there are tons of fans here to just get glimpse of him. No surprise there. After all he is perfect hehe.

This is a Lazada event and their events are always fun so I am looking forward to it.

He is late though. What happened? I guess traffic...?

After some time he finally makes a grand entrance. All the wait is worth it. 😉

Just notice me! Notice me! Phi! Phi! Here!!! Ahh he looked but his gaze? Kinda strange. Why does he look annoyed?

Huh huh huh What? Why is he walking towards me? Everyone is watching. Huh? Huh? I was staring as he walked close to me and leaned towards me saying

Watch what you call me! You dirty pig! What an annoyance you are! Are you fag? Don't ever show your face to me!

He says those brutal words and left. I mean can you imagine? Your fvrt idol tells you something like that.. My world fell apart.

All the crowd disappeared. The sunlight turned into moonlight but me? I was a mess. I couldn't move an inch let alone go home. My legs gave up.

It got late. But I see someone walking around there. At a closer look it's the Satan.

I don't even wanna see him. Let's just go home. I kinda started walking but that prick held me from behind.

You..  You are the one from before he says.

Let go of my hand. I am leaving dumbass. I said but he didn't lemme go.

You were shouting phi phi so cutely what happened now huh.... He says and brushed my hair. Ugh this creep.

And you? You told me disgusting things and now acting all chummy. Double faced bastard. I said confidently

I am sorry about that naa. Please forget it. I was in a hurry and all the crowd made me annoying. He said.

Still doesn't justify what you said. I misjudged you! You are trash! I said

Please forgive me. I don't want my fan to hate me. My fans mean world to me. And you just became a special fan for me. He says...

Cut-Cut the crap! I am leaving. But he stops me again. Ugh

I am human too. I get angry too. You have the right to be angry as well. But I am apologizing from bottom of my heart. Please stay I feel lonely today. He says with tears in his eyes. God what an actor but I fell for it.

Re-Really then just for a while. After my anger calmed down I became real nervous. Real nervous.

So what's you name, Pretty boy? He shines while he asks that

W-Win Metawin. And yours? Damn what

Pfftt hahahah I am Bright Vachirawit. Nice to meet you. He shook my hand but I am beyond embarrassed. Who asks like that? Shit

You really are pretty.. Don't you wanna be an idol? He asks.

I can...? Really? I ask and I am full excited

Of course you can. Your voice is nice too. There he goes again.

Then Can I meet you everyday? I asked but I regret it so soon

Lol yeah babe. We can meet everyday if you want. You are special that's why. He says and winks

Babe...? Special...? Wink?????? God!!!! What in the world is happening?
The great BVC is flirting with me? With me? Is this a dream? Am I lucky? Of course duh I am

Haha.. I couldn't say a word so I just laughed.

You are cute. And he brushed my hair. I am a blushing mess. Is this how you treat your fan? First bash him then flirt? Just what is he?

Let's go get something to eat? You are hungry I know.. Goodness he even knows what I like.

Haha.. S-Sure. I stuttered again.

We were just eating casually and he keeps handing me food in my plate. He isn't eating but he makes sure I eat how sweet.

He wiped some sauce from my face. Why is he doing this? I don't understand. But let's see where it ends.

It ended.. It ended but why am I in the bed? What the fuck happend? Did I drink last night? No... I was with phi bright.

Shut up shut up shut up. Let's recall what happened. We met then we decided to eat and then what? I don't remember a thing. I don't even have a hungover. I have pains all over my body.

Was I drugged.....? Was I? Fucking hell. That son of a bitch. He.. he just.. ughh!!!!

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