Untitled Part 1

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As I throw myself into my seat, half asleep, I find myself in agony as the kids behind me start their concert. They sing in horrendous voices that echo in my mind until I reach home, traumatizing me to this day. Their screams and laughter, everything about them, only serve to worsen my experience. The uncomfortable seats add to my misery.

After waiting for what feels like an eternity, every student squeezes into their seats as the ride finally begins. The narrow passages become cramped with students, and they settle themselves wherever they can. Most of them like to toss their bags around, creating chaos and making my already pathetic life even more miserable.

The atmosphere inside the bus is akin to a large hot oven, making it uneasy to breathe due to its compact and crowded nature. The harsh rays of sunlight seep into the bus, creating a scorching environment. I wipe the sweat off my forehead, resembling water droplets.

I feel claustrophobic and do something I never thought I would - beg my brother to move. Of course, he won't listen to me unless I say the magic word: Please. It's not that I have a problem saying that word, but when it comes to my brother, it feels as if I'm admitting to a crime I didn't commit.

Eventually, my brother moves his bag and adjusts his posture, which does help make the space less cramped.

Just as I close my eyes, the girls behind me start banging on my seat from behind.

As things start to settle down, another interruption presents itself - a five-year-old throwing a tantrum because his older brother refused to give him chocolate.

The road is rough, with the bus going up and down. Each time we encounter a speed bump, the kids scream as if they're on the brink of life and death due to the jolt. For your information, the bus driver loves to drive recklessly, often turning the bus at a 180-degree angle, disregarding the potential danger to everyone on board.

Surprisingly, the bus never crashes.

Certain parts of the road are like a smooth black river, and the wheels glide effortlessly.

If only it could stay that way. The area has been under construction for many months, transforming the once silky-black road into a horrifying nightmare for me. But all of this has become normal for me.

Here I am, sitting uncomfortably in my abomination of a seat, enduring the pain and yearning to reach home.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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