Chapter 1: Edris

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I crouched on the royal balcony, with my bow stuck between the bars of the waist-high railing. I zeroed in on my target, a beautiful girl, who was dancing below me. She wore a glittering crown, encrusted with diamonds and a long, navy gown, that flew around her as she twirled. It was an ensemble fit for only those of the highest status, and this girl was a princess, after all. My boss really went big for my first assignment. In order to prove myself, I had to assassinate the heir to the throne of Edrealon. Even as a skilled hitman, this was a tough job to complete.

I pulled my bow taught and prepared to shoot. The princess had her back to me, and she appeared to be in an intense discussion with one of the ball's noble attendants. Just before I let go of my bowstring, her highness turned around and looked directly into my eyes. She winked, and I let my arrow fly with a start. It careened off course, and lodged into the rafters.

"Shit!" I exclaimed before slapping my hands over my mouth. This is really bad. 

I moved quickly into the shadows, trying to remain silent. I stood there, willing my heart to slow down, and waiting for a guard to arrest me, but no one came. I listened intently for a few minutes, but I couldn't hear anything apart from the light chatter coming from the party below. It seemed that only the princess had spotted me, but it was unusual that she hadn't alerted anyone, surely, she knew what I was trying to do. I knew that I'd lost my chance, but I decided to try one more time. I peered through the bars again, but I was unable to line up a good shot. By now, the princess had immersed herself in the middle of the crowd, presumably to make my job much harder. She flitted around the room, chatting with all of the guests. It would be impossible for me to kill her now, at least from this distance. I needed to be closer.

I slunk off of the balcony, and entered the castle's meeting room. This was where the King and his advisors would put final touches on their announcements before the King would go out onto the balcony and address the crowds. I, of course, would not be using this room for anything noble. I ripped my cloak off, and pulled my blazer out of the drawer that I'd stashed it in. I straightened my button down shirt, and tightened my tie before slipping the jacket on top. I stared into the mirror on the far wall and ran my fingers through my hair. I needed to look presentable if I wanted to fit in on the ballroom floor.  

Once I'd done the best that I could do, considering the circumstances, I straightened my back and walked out of the room. I stayed close to the wall as I strode through the corridor, so that I would be able to quickly duck out of sight if anyone came by. I didn't see a single guard on the way to the ballroom, which wasn't unusual. They were likely stationed around the party, looking for miscreants, such as myself. Hopefully, they wouldn't notice the small knife tucked against the side of my body. I pulled my blazer tight and fastened the buttons, a small shiver running up my spine. 

I entered the ballroom through a side door, and I was immediately overcome by the sounds and smells that usually occupy crowded spaces. I tried to ignore the buzz in my brain, as my eyes scanned the room. I couldn't spot the princess, so I decided to walk around. I pretended to enjoy myself, dancing to the orchestral melodies and making small talk with various dignitaries. A foreign diplomat stumbled towards me with a drunken expression. His fancy champagne sloshed in his glass. Before he could say anything, I turned to the person next to me in an attempt to appear busy, but I moved too quickly and slammed against them. I looked at her face, and I was stabbed with terror. I had run right into the Queen of Edrealon, the woman whose daughter I was supposed to kill tonight.

"E-excuse me, your Highness." I tried to keep my composure. "I didn't mean to-"

"Relax darling," she put her hands on my shoulders to steady me, "I'll deal with Mr. Baines. Please, go enjoy yourself."

"Yes, your majesty," I gave a small bow and ran out onto the crowded dance floor. 

I caught a flash of navy in the corner of my eye and spun to see the princess, a few feet away, talking to a young man. Her back was to me, and she appeared to be very engrossed in her conversation. This was my chance.

I curled my fingers around my knife and ambled in her direction. I eyed the exact spot that I would need to puncture in order to complete my job. Before I could make my move, I looked for a way to escape. I decided to dance my way to the door I had entered through, and then take my leave. I was just about to 'bump' into the princess with the end of my knife, but all of a sudden, she turned around. I hurried to secure my weapon before she saw what I was doing.

"Are you alright?" The girl was staring at my hand that was plastered against my side, holding my knife in place.

"Oh, I uh..." I tried to come up with a good excuse. "I've got a cramp. Must've danced too hard."

"Do you need anything?" Her voice was so sweet that it made my head hurt.

"No, no. I'll just go get some water. Thank you for your concern, your highness." I gave her the same gesture that I gave to her mother.

I sighed as I went over to grab some refreshments. This would be a lot harder than I thought.

 - - -

After nearly an hour of stalking the princess, and waiting for a moment to strike, I noticed that her majesty appeared to be making her way outside to get some air. I abandoned my strategic look out in the corner of the room and followed her. I wove through the crowd, trying to make my way across the entire ballroom before the princess disappeared from sight. I saw her exit through the double doors just before I was stopped by a councilman who decided to inform me about some issue that he just had to have my support for. I don't know who he thought I was, but I was able to shake him after assuring him that I was on his side. 

I hurried out onto the patio, and looked around. I was facing the royal gardens, and there were only two people in sight, a young man who was passed out near my feet and a pretty girl who was leaning against the wall with a cigarette pressed between her fingers. Something about her felt unusually familiar, but I dismissed the thought. She was probably one of the many party goers who I'd made small talk with during my stake out. The princess was nowhere to be found. I failed to remain composed, and my shoulders slumped. This would be fun to explain to my boss in the morning.

"Care for a smoke?" The girl pulled a packet of cigarettes out of her pocket.

"That would be great." I accepted the cigarette and put it up to my mouth.

"I don't believe we've met." Her question was innocent, but a wave of panic coursed through me.

"Oh, my father is a foreign diplomat, and he wants me to follow in his footsteps," I lied. "That's why I'm here. What about you?"

"The king is my uncle. Apparently I have to attend his functions and live up to my 'royal legacy', whatever that means." Her voice was full of sarcasm. She clearly had no desire to live up to the standards placed on her by her bloodline. She wasn't the only one.

"I feel that." I laughed bitterly. Even though I wasn't really the child of some foreign leader, I too had failed to be the person that my parents wanted me to be. 

We sat in silence for a few moments, both of us in deep contemplation. I let my eyes wander towards her when I thought that she was too engrossed in her thoughts to notice. No wonder she was part of the royal family, she was beautiful. Her head was covered by a scarf that seemed to glow, and her light brown skin was radiant. I looked away and cursed at myself. I was supposed to be assassinating the princess, not falling for her cousin. I stubbed out my cigarette and turned towards the door.

"Leaving so soon?" I whipped my head around and looked at the girl's lonely expression. Not now, I thought, I have a job to do.

"My father will be looking for me," I replied.

"Well, I hope to see you again soon," she said genuinely. I didn't allow myself to hope, but it sounded like she really enjoyed my company.

I regained my composure as I entered the ballroom. It was time to finish my job.

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