New Rice Couple

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Phayu looked down at the sleeping boy with a smile. Rain was his, this beautiful boy was his. He gently brushed Rain's hair out of his face and leaned down to kiss his forehead. Then frowned at the heat coming off of Rain's skin. To be sure he gently laid a hand across Rain's forehead, then the side of his neck. Rain definitely had a mild fever.

Phayu tucked him in deciding to let him sleep, he would wake him later to eat and take medicine. Meanwhile Phayu decided he needed to work off some energy.

Rain woke up briefly but decided there was no reason to get up yet. His parents knew where he was and P'Phayu was probably doing his morning workout. Sometimes when Rain had stayed over to study, he had enjoyed going down to the home gym and watching P'Phayu, sometimes even sitting and chatting while the senior worked out. Today however he felt drained, so he snuggled down into the sheets and comforter, smiling at his memories from the previous night. He and P'Phayu taking a bath together, sitting on the loveseat, barely awake while P'Phayu changed the sheets, then being carried to bed where he was almost immediately asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Now he dozes off again waiting for P'Phayu to finish his workout.

Phayu smiles at the sight of only the top of Rains head poking out from under the comforter. Part of him wants to let Rain sleep but he needs to eat so he can take medicine. He gently pokes the Rain shaped lump only to hear a complaining moan. Phayu laughs, Rain doesn't wake up well at the best of times. He finally convinces the boy to wake up enough to eat and take medicine. At least he doesn't feel as hot now.

Rain eats the rice porridge and takes the medicine without complaint. P'Phayu also insists on applying a gel to and checking out "that area" to make sure there was no tearing. "It will make you feel better, I promise, sweet boy." Rain feels like he could die from shyness and embarrassment.

Once Rain is comfortably settled back into bed, P'Phayu sits and strokes his hair.

"P'Phayu, I want to tell my parents." Rain says, causing P'Phayu to raise an amused eyebrow. Rain turns red and quickly rushes out, "I mean not about what we did last night. I mean I want to tell them that you are my boyfriend now. Will you come with me tomorrow to talk to them?"

"Of course. How do you think they will take the news?"

Rain pouts a little at this, "are you kidding, my mom has practically been planning our wedding for months." He says causing P'Phayu to laugh.

Rain is right that his parents aren't exactly surprised with the news, although Rain's dad does ask P'Phayu to take a walk with him. They are both smiling when they come back so Rain can only assume that the talk went well.

P'Phayu starts his new job on Monday, he also is extra busy at the garage because of some upcoming race. P'Phayu has said he will take Rain, but Rain isn't even allowed to tell his parents about it. Apparently this race is some super secret underground thing, Rain can't help but be excited at that.

Rain spends Saturdays at the garage, part of the time watching P'Phayu work and part of the time reading in the loft. They almost always go out to dinner afterwards and more often than not Rain stays at P'Phayu's house.

Sometimes P'Saifah is there as well although he spends some nights at the garage or at his girlfriend's condo. Rain suspects that he is tired of walking in on he and P'Phayu. He has even dubbed them "the new rice couple" which Rain takes to mean newlyweds.

To be fair the pool had been Rain's fault, P'Phayu just looked too good in his swim trunks. Same for the workbench in the gym, who could resist P'Phayu working out topless. The kitchen table though, that had been all P'Phayu.

Most Sundays they stay home watching TV or a movie, or sometimes just cuddling on the sofa while they listen to music or reading.

Rain's favorite times are when P'Phayu pulls out his father's guitar and sings to him. P'Phayu had the most amazing voice Rain had ever heard. Often P'Phayu would look at Rain so intensely while singing a love song that it would make Rain shy.

Everything actually does feel like a honeymoon to Rain. He thinks he may be happier than he ever has been in his life. He wishes this summer would never end, even if he is looking forward to starting his freshman year at the university.

The night of the races, Rain watches as P'Phayu supervises the mechanics loading bikes onto transport trucks.

Rain's eyes go wide when they reach the site. He was expecting something small. The venue was huge and included what looked like hundreds of people and at least a dozen mechanics tents. There were even vendors selling food. P'Pakin must be very powerful to be able to set this up.

Inside P'Phayu introduces Rain to P'Chai and the guards. For some reason Rain finds P'Chai to be extremely scary. It's something about his eyes and his cool demeanor that makes him want to hide behind P'Phayu when the older man looks at him.

Not everything about the Race is scary though. They join P'Saifah and a group of friends after P'Phayu changes and checks on the bikes being unloaded. P'Phayu introduces him to P'Oat, P'Pai, and the twins P'Tho and P'Aek. The friends stand around laughing and chatting while P'Phayu puts an arm around Rain's shoulder. Rain has never seen P'Phayu in the company of his friends before. It's nice, just like Rain had been with his own friends from high school.

Rain finds the races fun to watch. P'Pai and P'Oat are the top racers, although P'Saifah tells him P'Oat seldom comes to the events these days.

After the race, Rain is amazed to see everything cleared up in about half an hour. The efficiency is amazing. By tomorrow morning this road will be opened to commuters that would have no idea that an illegal street race had taken place just hours before.

The next weekend P'Phayu takes Rain shopping so he can get the supplies he will need for freshman year, since his classes will be starting in just over a week. While at the art store to pick up a drafting tube, Rain literally bumps into another student getting supplies, almost knocking the other boy to the ground.

"Sorry," Rain says quickly, "I should have been looking where I was going. Are you okay? I'm Rain, are you starting architecture too?"

The other guy looks a little dazed at the rapid fire questions. "It's okay, I'm Sky. Yes I am going to be a freshman architect student."

"Rain, ready?" P'Phayu calls from near the registers. Rain turns to tell Sky that he hopes he will see him around, but notices Sky's eyes have gone wide at the sight of P'Phayu.

"Are you here with P'Phayu?" Sky asks.

Rain nods, "he's my boyfriend".

Sky's mouth drops open. "He's the god of the architecture department."

Rain wants to snigger at that. He will be sure to tease P'Phayu about his "god status" later. "I know, well I know he's our senior anyway. I met him at the open house. Anyway, hope I see you around Sky, maybe we can help each other with group projects or something. That would be fun."

After that they go to dinner at Rain's favorite Korean restaurant. Over dinner Rain tells P'Phayu about meeting Sky and can't resist throwing in a few teases about the god thing, making P'Phayu roll his eyes.

"Just you wait to see how I deal with you when we get home." P'Phayu said with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

Promises, promises. Rain thought happily.

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