Chapter 1

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As Midnight looked out the window of her home she could hear the wind howling. She longed to see the forest. As she padded over to the cat door a big white and black she cat spoke.

"Why are you leaving so late?" The she-cat asked.

"Oh! Oreo! I wanted to see the forest." Said Midnight.

Oreo's eyes widened. "But it's dangerous! There are wild cats that are as big as badgers! And they eat house cats like us!"

"Those are just myths," Midnight retorted. "They could be nice."

"Would you want to join them!?" Oreo asked as her voice sounded shaky.

"Maybe. I don't think house cat life is for me." Midnight said. "Don't worry i will be ok! When I'm gone I'm sure our house folk will get a new cat." Midnight tried to cheer her friend up.

"But will I ever see you again?" Oreo asked, looking into Midnight's dark blue eyes.

"Of course! And I would come back if I am not accepted." Midnight smiled.

Oreo nuzzled Midnight's cheek. "Ok fine. I will miss you."

"I will miss you too." Midnight purred before turning away from Oreo and leaving.

As Midnight walked out she could feel her friend watching her as she left.

Before Midnight knew it she was in the forest. She walked around for a bit sniffing curiously at everything. She suddenly heard yowls of cats in trouble. Midnight ran to find where they were coming from. She saw some wild cats fighting a fox. She looked at them with wide eyes. She knew she had to be brave. They need her help.

She leaped into action clawing the foxes nose which is sensitive. It grabbed her by her collar and it tore off and the fox ran away.
The cats looked over at Midnight and she suddenly felt nervous.

"Saved by a kittypet?" Said one cat.

"I guess." Said another.

"What's your name kittypet?" Said a grey and white tabby.

"O-oh i am Midnight and what's a kittypet?" She asked.

"You're a kittypet. A cat that lives in those big two leg nest's." Said the she-cat.

"Oh. So are you guys wild cats?" Asked Midnight.

"Yes. I am Sapphireheart. I am from Fennelclan." She said proudly.

"What's a Fennelclan?" Midnight asked.

"It's a clan. A clan is a big group of wild cats. There are four of them." She told her.

"Wow you guys must be cool!" Midnight said her eyes were shining.

"Hm, maybe you would want to join us? I think you have potential." Sapphireheart said.


"Yes! I saw you chase off that fox."

"Wow I get to be a wild cat!"

"Well I would need to talk to Fennelstar." She said, "Follow us, we will take you to our camp."

As they entered the camp they were surrounded by clan cats that were curious about Midnight. A dark orange tabby with a white ear walked out of a rocky den.

"What's all the commotion about?" He said padding over to the group.

Sapphireheart spoke up. "A kittypet wishes to join."

Fennelstar looked at Midnight expectantly.

"Her name is Midnight. She chased off a fox that attacked my patrol." Sapphireheart said.

"Very well. If you see potential in her then I will trust you on this." He said turning away.
Fennelstar leaped onto the big rock.

"May all cats old enough to run in the tunnels come under the big rock for a clan meeting!" He called.

He waited for the cats to gather before speaking.

"A kittypet wishes to join Fennelclan." He said. "Midnight step forth."

Midnight padded forward.

An orange she-cat with black spots spoke up. "Why should this kittypet join?" She scoffed.

"Servalheart!" Sapphireheart yelled. "She saved my patrol from a fox."

"She doesn't have her kittypet collar." Said Fennelstar. "And I think she is worthy of joining."

Servalheart scoffed before turning away leaving to a den.

Fennelstar continued. "Midnight, until you receive a warrior name you will be known as Darkpaw." He said. "I am proud to have you in our clan. Your mentor will be Sapphireheart. I know she will pass on all she knows to you. Meeting dismissed!"

Sapphireheart padded over to Darkpaw. "I guess you are my apprentice." She meowed. "I will show you where the apprentices' den is." Darkpaw followed her. "This is where you will sleep. Now get some rest, we have training tomorrow." She padded out.

A small tom came into the den. He was a brown mackerel tabby with a stub tail.
He looked over at her.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I am Darkpaw. The new member of this clan." She said,

"Oh right I forgot we recruited a kittypet." He scoffed. "Don't come near me ok? I don't want your kittypet filth near me." He said.

"Shortpaw!" Said a big yellow tom that padded in. "Be nice to your new den mate." He scolded.

"But dad-"

"No buts." He said before turning to Darkpaw. "Sorry for my son Darkpaw. I am Vinebranch."

"It's ok! It's nice to meet you!" She said cheerfully.

"You too." He said before padding out.

Shortpaw had rolled over on his side and drifted off to sleep.

Darkpaw slowly drifted off to sleep.

Hello everyone! I hope you liked this chapter! I made the first two chapters a long time ago and bow im finishing it.

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